Page 45 of Royally Drawn

“Use all your might, sweetie!” Astrid called in French. “Don’t give up! Keep at it!”

I held on with one hand, pulling with my legs as best I could. I moved my leg back, first over the cantle, then gripped my saddle with my thighs. I’d sprayed them down for best sticking ability. I used my core strength to force myself up, grabbing the pommel. Stunned, I pulled myself up. And without even my cue, Kraken took off to the next fence. I patted him and rode along like a passenger.

I didn’t even have time to bother with stirrups. I barely had my feet back in them when I met the first of the last two fences. Another hedge awaited me. Then, we had to jump through a timber fence with an enormous halo of twigs. I knew he’d be golden and fearless.

“We can do it, baby! We have it, boy!” I said, tears in my eyes.

Coming into the final fence, I was sore, exhausted, and not at my best. Despite our bruised and battered look, Kraken took off and landed easily. I screamed out, so happy to be home and pulled my dutiful mount back down slowly into a relaxed canter. After a circle or two, we went to a trot laced with happy tears.

“Good boy, good boy. You are the best,” I said, patting him. We cooled down before I handed the horse off to my waiting groom.

Hitting the ground, I hugged my coach and the waiting cheering section of other riders. Then, I returned to our stable row to drink and snack. Keir, Astrid, and Patrick waited for us there.

“You were amazing!” Astrid said. “You’re so tough. I would have come off!”

“I reckon any of us would have,” Cici said. “Damn. You are a legend now, kid!”

“I tried,” I laughed. “I gave it all I had. That was the best I could ask for. And Kraken was the best boy. I credit him with it. On any other horse, I’d have come off. He’s just a good boy.”

“Well, you made it. And you’re clear to the arena tomorrow,” Betty said. “You’re going to finish in the top twenty, I’d bet!”

“Shhhh!” Keir laughed. “You’ll spoil it, Betty.”

I was in shock. Making the top twenty was a pipe dream for an international debut. I just wanted to finish, and that was my only goal going into it.

“You’ve got an audience,” Parker said.

“What?” I turned to look in the direction he nodded.

An expectant group of reporters stood arguing with the security detail that kept the normies at bay.

“What for?” I asked.

“You’re a legend. Like I said!” Cici said.

“Go, woman! Enjoy your moment!” Astrid urged.

Taking Orders


Ingrid was a machine. I expected someone mad for horses. I even expected bravery. What I got was far different. Ingrid’s stunt impressed everyone. She was hard, tough, and determined. It only made me want her more. That wasn’t like me. I usually preferred sweet, feminine, slightly submissive women. Ingrid wasn’t that girl. She was a badass who held her own. I’d underestimated her. She had grit, and I needed more of that in my life.

“I suppose I should slow down,” Ingrid said. “This is my one glass of wine.”

We sat at dinner, recounting the equestrians’ efforts around the table. I wasn’t drinking. I’d have to fly to Wales tomorrow right after the event.

“You will appreciate it in the morning,” Isak said. It makes a difference, especially since I think you’ll probably need to pop a paracetamol.”

“You’re going to be stiff as a board in the morning,” Cici laughed.

“All worth it,” Aunt Natalie said. “For such a triumphant comeback.”

I smiled, proud of her. Cici was poised to win it all, but it wasIngrid for whom I couldn’t stop cheering. I was in her corner. And while I would have liked to say and do much more, I couldn’t. She’d gone to bed at nine the night before. I didn’t take it as her avoiding me, though. She was focused. I wasn’t here to distract from that. Unfortunately, this was my last night here, and I’d not so much as kissed Ingrid.

“I should probably turn in,” Ingrid said. “I’m exhausted, and I want to read before bed.”

Well, that seals it.