“He predicted Lucy would end up with Winston. I thought he was mad—we all did, but now they have four kids, so…”
I snickered. “Good point. I am not on board withanydiscussion of children. Please, God, never speak of it again. However, I do very much like her. I’ve never felt any attraction like I do to her.”
“It’s love. Love is wild. Mark my words.”
Yachting Around
“You deserter!” Rick joked as I departed back down the pier.
I left the family to set sail to the same destination on a separate vessel. Rick couldn’t help but tease me for it. To arrive, he’d sailed from Lundhavn to Denmark and then across to Norway to meet us. In doing so, he brought his beloved sailing yacht and its crew with him. Alex and the kids flew in. She found the whole thing ridiculous. He’d decided we’d go out with the other families on their sailing yachts. However, with a single text from Keir, I’d chosen to go out on one of the Norwegian boats. We were sailing to the same private island, joined by the other Scandinavians.
I joined Cici aboard her father’s beautiful cruiser. Rickhadto be jealous about now. Leah was the first to spot me, pointing my arrival out to Cici, who came excitedly bounding over.
“So, he let you out of the asylum?” She joked.
“He gave me shit about it, and I expect him to try to beat us out there, but I doubt he will. Poor Alexandra. She couldn’t care less about this, and the kids are a disaster today.”
“Oh, boo. That sucks,” Leah said. “But you’re ours for now, right?”
“Where is everyone?”
“Uncle George and Aunt Natalie are going out with Uncle Peder and Aunt Sanne,” Cici said.
“Oh,” I must have looked sad.
“Oh, don’t worry, he’s here,” Leah said. “God, the two of you are annoying. You’re lucky I like you.”
I snickered, spotting only the back of Keir from across the deck. He was talking with Isak and Nate. I approached, still a bit unsure how to handle this. Did I kiss him or even showaffection,or were we still just friends? Were we friends who fucked? We swore we weren’t doing labels, but what were we?
“Hei, hei,” I said, trying to sound cheerful.
“Hello,” Isak said. “We stole you from Rick, then?”
“Yes. I think he may be dead by the end of the afternoon, however.”
“What now?” Nate asked.
“Oh, he’s been here for one night, and Alexandra is already sick of hearing about the damn sailboat, all the waves, and his navigation plans heading back. She’s pregnant, has no patience, and the kids have overrun her. I felt bad stepping away, but Odette has them covered now.”
I tried to ignore Keir because I was concerned about beingtooaffectionate, but I couldn’t avoid him forever. He turned slightly to say something when I saw a massive bruise on his jaw.
“Oh, mon dieu! Que s'est-il passé?” I gasped.
“Larshappened,” Nate snickered. “This is why Lars is over there, and we are here. Aunt Natalie has me keeping them both on good behaviour.”
I gently grabbed Keir’s chin, taking in the nasty bruise and swelling.
“Officially, we were tossing a baseball around,” Keir said.
“Have you ever done that in your life?” Isak asked.
“No. I mean, maybe once or twice with Uncle Pat, but no. No one needs to know. Lars sucker-punched me, and he’s lucky to be alive.”
I pulled back, glaring. “Keir, that’s not funny.”
“It’s true,” Isakconfirmed.