Page 25 of Royally Drawn

Iwoke to the gentle rock of the yacht and my phone buzzing beside me. I turned and saw Ingrid stretched diagonally across the bed, her legs wrapped in mine and facing the opposite wall. I left her to sleep and rolled out of bed. Turning off my alarm, I pieced myself together as best I could, putting my shirt back on. Last night had been a wild fever dream punctuated by sex I’d like to remember and a bit of ridiculousness in the cleanup phase.

I padded back to my room and changed into some fresh clothes. Nate was still asleep. This was all according to plan. I’d be exhausted and hungover but hoped I could avoid getting into it with Lars on our last day at sea. Tomorrow, we’d head back to Europe and out of paradise. While I had nothing but an amazing go with Ingrid, I wasn’t about to start a family war over it if it could be avoided. I wasn’t a dunce.

I decided to do a HIIT routine on the main deck and was still planking when Leah came out, holding a book. She pretended like she might sit on my back before giggling and falling onto the couch.

“How the fuck are you awake right now?” I asked her.

“I went to bed and put in earplugs to drown out the sound of people fucking. And you? Did you have the foresight to do the same?”

I came up from a burpee, unsure what to say. Maybe Edina’s wailing had given us cover? That would be an unexpected turn of events. I expected Lars might be blissfully unaware of me sleeping with Ingrid, but I expected better from Leah. She always justknewthings.

“What?” Leah took my slow response as an invitation to ask questions.

“Uh… nothing. Just… slept.”

“No, I don’t buy it. Did you…?”

She didn’t have to say the words. I shrugged.

“God damn it, Keir!” She threw her book down

“What?” I shook my head. “What?”

“You are a beautiful, stupid human, you know that? It’s going to cause panic.”

“It won’t if little Miss Gossip doesn’t say anything about it,” I told her. “No one caught us. You and Nate know. That’s it.”

“She’s besties with your sister and Cici! Everyone will know soon enough.”

“Yes, but thewomenof this family are much better at using their brains and keeping secrets, yeah?”

“No, we’re just not idiotic people who are ruled by their genitals.”

“Oh, Leah, you should talk!”

She glared at me. “Being bisexual doesn’t make me some sort of super-sexed animal.”

“No, that’s not it. You have the libido of a sixteen-year-old boy. You’ve been mercilessly letting everyone around you know about it since before I could legally drive.”

Leah chuckled. “Fair. But straight people can be the same way. Duncan isjustas bad. I have no shame. I don’t regret anything, either.”

“I know,” I smiled.

“And yet, you’re out here doing serious manly aggro things? So, it was no good?”

“You are so fucking curious. God, Leah, can anyone not ask?”

“Me? No. I must know everything. I’m too invested. I told hernotto fuck you.”

“Excuse me?”

“I am keeping the peace for the sake of Cecilia and her sister. Astrid’s wedding will be massive, too, and we’ll all have to go to Neandia for it. Well, maybe not me. But you will. I am unwilling to pick up the pieces you leave behind.”

I grumbled.

“What? Is she that bad? Cold fish? I guess she could get away with it being as hot?—”

“No, Leah. Jesus Christ. She’s not,” I sighed. “I’m trying to shake it off, though, and keep myself on the right track so I don’t cock it all up, okay? No, she was… wow.”