Page 85 of Royally Rivalled

“You could come home with me?”

“What? So your family could lose their minds?”

“I doubt they would. We’re both grown. Alexandra likes thesoundof you. She wouldn’t mind. The younger girls will be overwhelming, but they will take kindly to you, Parker. And I promise you can sleep next to me every night.”

He considered it. “I want to do it.”

“Then you should. What is stopping you? Your family? Parker, your mother doesn’t deserve to see you for Christmas. She burned that bridge years ago, I suspect. Come with me. Let me adore you.”

I looked up, knowing my eyes always won out.

“Fine,” Parker agreed. “I will go home with you. But clear it with your sister first.”

“I will,” I agreed, then grimaced.

“Cramps?” Parker asked.

I nodded.

He leaned, picking up the receiver to the room phone. I wondered what he was up to.

“Uh, yes. Can we get a heating pad, coffee, and paracetamol? Also, Mars bars, please?”

He nodded, “Thank you.”

His thoughtfulness astounded me.

“No Whispas?” I asked.

“Nah,” Parker answered. “I went with your favourite. Now, lie down, let’s watch whatever trash TV suits you, and let’s not talk about work. I’ll rub your back.”

“You’re like a one-stop period concierge, you know that?”

“I just want you to be happy. You stood up for me, so now I will take care of you, Astrid,” Parker was tender.





A knock shook me.I spied Briggs in the doorway.

“Hello,” I said.

“Can I bother you a minute? Just a quick question.”


He closed the door. My blood ran cold.

“It’s about Astrid.”

I panicked. He knew! He knew about us and was coming to tell me to knock it off. We were a week before term break. I’d just spent a nice mint on gifts for her entire family. We’d made a list of things we wanted to do in Neandia. It was all wrapped up. I didn’t want him to know!

“Yes?” I squeaked.