Page 74 of Royally Rivalled

I dreaded it and knew we could hire someone to manage it—probably better than I could. Maybe it would turn over less money, but we already had more than one family that deserved it. I wanted to live an everyday, happy life rather than one consumed by society’s expectations. Mother was here to turn the knife.

“Do you go out? Do anything? No girlfriend?”

“I am seeing someone, actually,” I said. “And before you ask, no, you are not about to meet her. She’s lovely—clever, pretty, and well-bred—so she ticks all your boxes. Leave it there.”

“All of that, and you tell me nothing?”


The beautiful bit about being the Duke was that you owed no one an explanation. Everything my mother held dear remained in my hands. While I’d never be cruel, she knew how far she could and could not tread. I sensed she needed something.

“Carolyn is engaged.”

I nearly fell over. “What? Why?”

“Carolyn is engaged.”

“Mum, she’s twenty-two!”

The same age as Astrid. That thought was hypocritical but also sickening. Carolyn was hardly mature enough to wed.

“Big summer wedding, yes. She and Fredrick are quite happy.”

“Is she… pregnant?”

“No! Parker, that isawful!”

“Who gets married at twenty-two?”

“She’ll be twenty-three soon.”

“What do you need?” I sighed.

“We have a planner, and your sister is sourcing a dress. But… we need a budget.”

“Have them draw up a budget, and I will run it by the accountant,” I said.

“Parker, it’s the event of the season potentially?—”

“And that’s fine, but there is a budget. Fred’s parents are wealthy. They can pick up the slack if they want more than I can grant.”

“Parker Zachary!”

I set my jaw, annoyed. “Mother, this is Carolyn’s wedding, and I will be generous. However, there will be a budget. Let me know how I can assist. That is all.”

I stood, done with the conversation. I had no time for this. It was all just an act of pulling me back to guilt me. Every decision was the wrong one. A walking chequebook, I had no power. I threw money on the table and left. Mother didn’t make a scene because she knew better. I returned to my place, trying to calm down rather than burst into anger.

Why didn’t Mother accept the decisions that were mine to make? Moreover, why did she only show up when she needed me to bankroll something—and only in the way she wanted it? This wasn’t love. It was transactional. More and more, Astrid showed up for me more than anyone else. She might rib me, and sometimes we might row over something stupid, but at least she got what it was like to have afucked-up family. Yet, telling her anything felt like dumping. I didn’t think we were there yet. We weren’t even officially dating. I had to hold my feelings in.



“Thanks for your help.”

Parker stood to leave from my kitchen table, having helped me in my time of need with a game theory assignment. He had no choice but to assist as he was all mine now—even if we had yet to utter the words “boyfriend“ or “girlfriend.” Maybe I didn’t need to say it? We fucked like rabbits. Was it not implied?

Not wanting to go, I wrapped my arms around his neck. He slowly nuzzled my nose with his and leaned in to kiss me.