Page 65 of Royally Rivalled

Yes, my grunt work. So important!

I answered, “Yes. I put it on the drive.”

“Brilliant. Thanks. I’ll finish formatting it this afternoon and get it to Briggs.”

My heart sank. It meant that the chapter was done.

“Why do you look so bereft? We finished the chapter. You’re getting published in your first year of postgrad. That’s amazing, Astrid. Well done!”

He smiled now. It was genuine.

I closed the door behind me, wanting to hash this out.

“Astrid, people will talk,” he kept his voice low. “What is going on with you? You’re being weird.”

“Parker, what the fuck? You ignore me and then get excited to finish this project with me?—”

“Because it’s such a big deal. I’m proud of you. Am I not able to be proud of you, Astrid?”

“How in the fuck do you just… act like nothing is happening?”

“Look, I am not saying it is okay, but the grad student relationship thing is played out, Astrid, and it never works out well for the female students,” Parker whispered. “We cannot risk anyone pigeonholing you. You’re too talented, and your future is too bright.”

His voice was tender. He stepped closer, his face softening. He took my face in his hands, brushing my cheeks lovingly with his thumbs. “I’m not being cruel. I’m protecting you. And I’m not happy to finish the project, but now I get to spend my Saturday afternoons with you withoutworking, right?”

I smiled. “Okay.”

“Now take that spendy bag and get out of here. Go do something to celebrate it.”

He smacked my ass playfully as he turned to his desk and set his laptop down.

“It was a birthday present,” I protested.

He looked up from his laptop. “Was it your birthday, and I missed it?”

“If you ever bothered to text me, maybe you’d know.”

I reminded myself this was not his judgment. He didn’t have a way with blue bubbles of text.

“Shit. I suppose I owe you something?”

“You could try being friendly to me,” I pulled him back towards me. “Take me out for a drink to celebrate. Like a proper date?”

“Sure,” Parker said. “If you… think that is best.”

I stood on my tiptoes and kissed him. “Yes, I do.”

“Astrid, we cannot?—”

“Door is shut. I don’t care. I draw the line here. Fucking in an office only works in romance novels. Oh, it works wonderfully there,” I sighed.

“You readromancenovels?”

“Yes,” I laughed. “And all of them suggest I should go for it. It will eventually end well.”

Parker took my face in his hands again, melting my heart. It was possessive and tender all at once. Rather than kiss my lips, he slowly and lovingly kissed my forehead.

“Sorry, I’ve been longing to do that all day. Is that odd?” Parker asked. “You are adorable. I loathe it.”