Page 29 of Royally Rivalled

I blushed. “You don't... do too bad yourself.”

“I am glad you came,” Jeremy said. “Amara told my housemate that you were busy today at some thing?”

“Yeah. It's over now.”

He stared like he wanted me. Maybe there was a hope? His gaze gave me strange goosebumps like those I’d had when I first met Tim Sheers, aka Shit Guitarist.

“Glad I came,” I added, voice a little nervous.

“Hey! Listen up! Attention! Attention!“

A voice called.

We reported to the living room. There, Niall stood, holding a paper with a gold seal. Unfortunately, near him was my new nemesis, the Dickish Duke.

“Why is the Dick here?” I whispered to Jeremy.

“He lives here, darling. He's Niall's housemate.”

My stomach sank.

“I know. Does not compute. Aristocrats run in the same circles, I guess?”


“Niall's father is a Duke,” Jeremy explained.

“Oh, I had no idea! He's so normal!“

“His mother is the Queen's best friend.”

Niall was a bit gregarious but not flashy or particularly impressive. Of course, Parker impressed me even less. Today, in a properly fitted shirt, he’d almost passed for a respectable and attractive member of society. Dressed down again, his dorky jumper and beaten-up trainers—that he wore with everything—he didn’t scream “Duke Material” as much as an SOS for style help.

“Alright!“ Niall said. “The first task is an individual task. Rules are. I judge all of your results. Half of you will be eliminated in round one. Who wants to read the first task?”

I tried to keep up since I'd never seen this show, but my competitive spirit made me want to win this. I was dying to triumph over the Dickish Duke. I would work tirelessly to do so.

“Here, Amara, you read it!“

Amara stepped forward and opened the paper, breaking the seal dramatically. I loved her for it.

“Step one—take a paper plate. Put it on your head and draw a horse.”

Someone handed out paper plates and markers. I put mine on my head and did my best. There were few things I knew better than a horse. I was out to win. It was a laugh, though. Jeremy and I were in stitches.

“I'm dreadful. I think it's just a horse's ass,” Jeremy laughed.

“I own half a dozen. If I cannot do it, heaven help me!“

We looked at our handiwork.

“Wow, you did well!” Jeremy said.

“We have a winner!” Niall declared! “It's Astrid!”

I did a little bow and stood to see Parker staring. To my surprise, his horse wasn't terrible, nor was Jeremy's. Was he jealous? If so, I’d show him! Drinking and playing games brought out my most competitive side.

“Let's join forces to succeed,” I whispered to Jeremy. “And then kick Parker's ass. Yeah?”