Page 86 of Proof

I couldn’t denythat I was nervous as Cass pulled up to the huge iron gate. I’d never seen his family’s compound, but based on the entrance alone, I couldn’t help but think about my own little two-story Cape Cod style house that was considered one of the nicer homes in my neighborhood. As a kid, I hadn’t really understood the line that existed between families like mine and his. Words like indigent, blue collar, working class, millionaires, and billionaires hadn’t been part of my world until I’d gotten into my teens. Even when Cass had shown up in the park with his fancy sports car, I hadn’t realized that he’d lived in a world that was miles apart from my own.

Now, as I studied the perfectly cut grass and small trees that lined as much of the driveway as I could see through the massive gate, I heard Cass sigh in frustration after talking to the guard who was in charge of monitoring it.

“Everything okay?” I asked Cass as I leaned over him just a bit and looked at the guard. He had his back to us, and it looked like he was talking on a cordless telephone. No doubt he was checking with someone at the house whether he should let us in or not. I’d purposefully worn a baseball cap and kept my head turned away from the guard so he wouldn’t recognize me. Even if he did, it wouldn’t change our plan.

Me being seen in public with Cass had already been a big no-no, but to immerse myself directly into his family was beyond insane. After the fight and the mind-blowing make-up sex afterwards, Cass and I had managed to speak to one another more calmly about my idea and had agreed that me remaining hidden away wouldn’t accomplish anything.

We’d talked briefly about telling my brother about our plan—well, technically my plan—but had agreed that Sully’s not-so-delicate approach to dealing with any member of the Ashby family would have been equivalent to the proverbial bull in a china shop.

As far as Sully knew, Cass and I were still holed up someplace safe. While I understood their need to keep me safe, I’d finally gotten a taste of the life I could have, and no one was going to take it or Cass from me. As it stood now, all we had were theories, not facts. We couldn’t get facts if we didn’t start making the person or people hunting us nervous enough that they’d eventually slip up and make a mistake. A mistake we could hopefully use to our advantage.

While Cass seemed pretty certain his father had been responsible for what had happened, I wasn’t entirely convinced. I also wasn’t one hundred percent sure that Cass had been the true target of an unspeakable frame-up job. I hadn’t told him about the file I’d seen several months before I’d been shot because I couldn’t recall if that specific report really had been related to Cass’s father or one of the many other Ashby male family members. With my memory as bumpy as it was, I needed to see that file again before I gave him another reason to focus on his father as the only possible suspect, and getting that file was going to take skills neither Sully, Cass, or I had.

The bottom line was that we needed information, and finding an Ashby with a love of gossip could be very useful. Hell, even the staff who worked for the Ashbys probably had helpful information. The mere fact that Cass and I would be seen together would be a big-ass piece of bait. Although I, like Cass, hated needing to use his grandmother as part of our plan, she was the only way we’d get past not just the gate in front of us, but whatever staff or security would be waiting up at the house for us.

“Red tape,” Cass responded to my question. He lifted his hand in frustration. “My father probably found out that I visited my grandmother last week and told the staff to ban me from the property.”

“Or it’s because I’m with you,” I offered as I watched the guard continue to fidget with the phone like he was waiting for someone to respond to him. We’d been sitting at the gate for more than ten minutes. The guard hadn’t even asked to see my ID yet. Even if he’d recognized me, he would have followed the same procedure as he was apparently doing now, and to a legitimate Ashby, no less.

As the minutes dragged by, my mind drifted back to the sexual encounter we’d had on Cass’s too small kitchen table. I could feel my dick getting hard as my too empty ass clenched in anticipation. I’d seen and felt Cass’s dick; I’d even held it in my hand. I knew what it felt like, I knew how thick it was, I’d even tasted his release. I needed more, though. I needed it all.

After the guard finally waved us through the gate, I should have been focusing on what was going to happen once we reached the house but, in the condition I was in, it wasn’t going to work.

“Do you want to hear another secret I’ve never told anyone else?” I blurted as I put my hand on Cass’s thigh, right where it met his groin. I was greeted with the same problem I was currently having.

Cass slowed the car and pressed his body back against his seat. He closed his eyes for a brief moment and pulled in a deep breath before opening them again. He put his hand over mine to stop its trajectory, but instead of putting any effort behind stopping me, he kept his hand where it was even as I eased up until my fingers were tracing the outline of his hard-on which was getting harder by the second.

“Tell me,” Cass growled.

“I’ve been dreaming of you fucking me in the back seat of this car for as long as I can remember.”

“Jesus, JJ!” Cass hit the brakes so hard that my body jolted against the seat belt. Before I could say anything else, he had hisown seat belt undone as well as mine, all while taking my mouth in a searing kiss. At some point, the Mustang had stopped on its own, so we were literally in the middle of the driveway with no one around.

There was no easing into Cass’s kiss. He was consuming me from the moment his lips touched mine, and I loved every second of it. I’d hoped he’d be as hungry for me as I was for him but hadn’t been certain.

Question asked… and answered.

The sound of a zipper being drawn down had Cass breaking the kiss. He looked down at my groin, not his, because I was already in the process of taking my leaking dick out of my pants. I began stroking myself as my eyes held his. He kept switching his gaze between my eyes and my dick.

“God, you are so fucking beautiful,” he growled and then his hand was knocking mine out of the way.

I moaned at both his words and his touch.

“Do you have a condom?” I managed to ask. I could already feel the orgasm closing in on me.

Cass kissed me. “I don’t think you’re going to last that long, sweetheart,” he said between deep, lush kisses that only drove me higher.

“It’s not for me,” I said. Cass was silent for a beat and then his free hand was lifting my shirt, exposing my abdomen and chest.

Cass’s mouth invaded my own before traveling south and licking one of my nipples as he began jerking me off with firm drags of his hand. When he gently bit down on my nipple, I came. It had taken that one caress of his mouth and three drags on my dick and nothing more. He silenced my shout of relief with his mouth and pointed my dick so that the thick white ropes of cum ended up all over my chest. When the orgasm finally released me from its hold, Cass ran his fingers through my still-hot jizz.

I wished like hell he would do what he’d done to me earlier that morning—take the sticky fluid and suck it off his finger. I could watch his lips widen enough to pull in his finger and imagine what it would be like to see my bare dick sliding past his gorgeous lips instead. I grabbed his fingers and sucked hard enough to have Cass moaning several un-Ashby-like curses.

“Condom,” I demanded as soon as I released his finger. I licked the rest of the cum off my lips as I reached for the button on Cass’s jeans.

“There’s not enough time?—”

I ignored his protest, grabbed my own wallet, and fished out the single condom I’d started carrying with me after my first confrontation with Cass weeks earlier.