“JJ, sit,” my brother demanded, his voice less coarse. I felt his hand close around my wrist, but I didn’t object to the contact. Not like I usually did, anyway. My body followed Sully’s order to return to the chair.
“Did you know about this?” I croaked as adrenaline began to spike through my system.
He was free. Cass Ashby was free. Panic and fury slammed into each other as I took in what it all meant. Surprisingly, the panic receded like the ocean tide while the rage turned into a white-hot fire inside of me.
I could finally get what I’d secretly been dreaming about for eighteen long months.
Problem was, Cass was probably looking to get the same thing.
A grainy image flashed in my head, but it was gone as quickly as it had come. I wanted to scream in frustration, but I knew what was coming next. What always happened after I saw one of those images.
“Yes,” I managed to hear as Sully pushed the now full water glass closer to me. I couldn’t even remember what question he was saying yes to.
My brain was on autopilot as I swallowed down the water in two big gulps. It had no effect on the pounding in my head left behind from the hangover, but I wasn’t focused on that. I was in the process of pulling myself together when the first sharp, stabbing pain behind my right eye hit. Like lightning, currents of pain lit up along the length of my scar.
One after another.
There was no reprieve in between. I couldn’t remember where I was or why I was there. All I could see was darkness. All I could feel was agonizing pain. All I wanted was for the blackness to release me from its hold or take me forever.
Something cold was placed against my forehead. The fact that I could even feel it meant that the blackness was already receding.
It wasn’t going to take me for good this time. It would continue to toy with me just like it had been from the moment I’d opened my eyes eighteen months ago.
“The aspirin should kick in soon,” Sully said as he put my hand on the frozen bag of peas that he’d put against my skin.
If my brother only knew what really had me bent over in agony, he’d lose his shit. How my normally sharp as a tack brother never noticed the true nature of what was happening to me during the few attacks he’d witnessed and automatically attributed to the results of a hangover was beyond me. It left me feeling bitter and relieved at the same time.
He’s not supposed to know, I reminded myself.
I took in several deep breaths and kept both eyes pinned shut as I waited for the churning in my gut to settle. The sharp, radiating pain in my head was beginning to retreat, leaving me to once again play my role as useless kid brother who partied too hard every night but had his big brother to take care of him every morning.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” I managed to ask as reality returned.
Cass Ashby is a free man.
More water was sloshed into my glass, but I was too afraid to pick it up because Sully would see how bad my hand was shaking. I was the “back on track” JJ, which was the only one I let my brother see… what hechoseto see.
“Because I haven’t seen you since the judge made his decision yesterday afternoon,” he said flatly. I ignored the sting in my belly at the emotionless response. “I need you to work a case today,” Sully continued.
I automatically shook my head despite the fact that it made my already throbbing head hurt worse. “No fucking way,” I responded.
“Then pack your shit and get out,” Sully returned before he climbed to his feet and took the sandwich and dumped it in the garbage.
“What?” I asked, completely confused.
“Get your stuff and go. Leave your keys in the bowl by the door. You can keep your car but I’m going to discontinue the insurance on it today. Your cell phone will also be disconnected since I’m paying for it.”
“You’re kicking me out?” I said in disbelief. “This is my house…ourhouse.”
“Not if you’re not helping to pay for it.” My brother began raising a finger one by one as he rattled off, “Property taxes, insurance, utilities, maintenance?—”
“Sully…” I began with a shake of my head. I didn’t recognize the man before me. My brother had always been a hard-ass, but he’d never been cruel. As much as I’d loved my father, Sully had been the one who’d raised me. He was the one who’d always protected me, cared for me.
“What did you think would happen, JJ? Did you think you’d spend the rest of your life sleeping all day and staying out all night like some college frat boy? What did you think I was doing all these past months by getting you in shape and honing your skills?”