Page 21 of Proof

One of the officers returned both guns to JJ while Bruce said, “You’re free to go. Both of you. I’ll send someone to your brother’s office to get your statements in the next day or two.”

“Appreciate it, Bruce. Definitely not in the mood for red tape today,” JJ grumbled. “And I sure as shit want to get the fuck away from him as soon as I can, if you know what I mean,” he added as he jerked his head in my direction.

Bruce nodded and reached out to shake his hand. “Stay safe,” he murmured.

“You too,” JJ returned. Then he was grabbing my arm and leading me past all the officers. I waited for one of them to jump out and grab me.

“Don’t say anything,” JJ said tightly.

Several minutes passed as we made our way back up the hill to Jenna’s house. One of the officers had offered us a ride up there, but I’d been grateful when JJ had said we were okay. I had absolutely no desire to sit in a cop car.

I was regretting the decision now as I watched JJ trudge up the hill. He was sweating profusely and stumbled every few steps. I had a million questions for him, but they could wait. He might have managed to cover his pain while he’d been interacting with his former coworker, but he was drowning in it now. I walked close enough to catch him if he fell but keptenough distance between us so he wouldn’t feel the need to move away from me. Despite covering for me, I doubted anything had changed between us. JJ was a good man, and one of the things that had attracted me to him upon my return from the military was his honor. From some of the stories he’d told me about his unique cases, I’d gleaned that he was the kind of guy who did the right thing.

What he’d just done had proven me right.

“Is it your head?” I finally asked when JJ stopped halfway up the hill and leaned over like he was going to puke. He answered me by doing just that.


He retched over and over even after his stomach was empty. I tried to put an arm around him to support him, but he held out his hand to prevent me from moving any closer to him.

I remembered what Sully had said about JJ’s injury and the memory loss it had caused. He hadn’t said anything about the pain JJ was currently experiencing, and he sure as shit hadn’t mentioned the possibility that he would freeze up in dangerous circumstances. If Sully had known that, he never would have put his brother in the field.

So why was JJ keeping it from Sully?

Several minutes passed before JJ could continue. By the time we reached the top of the hill, he’d sweated through his shirt. I’d wanted to tell him to take his suit jacket off, but I was already riding a thin line with him. Whatever weird, temporary truce we’d reached was something I wanted to hold on to for as long as I could.

The man working with JJ appeared from the lower level of the house. I could tell he recognized me the moment he saw me.

“Are you okay?” he asked JJ.

JJ nodded. “How’s Jenna?”

The two quickly exchanged details about what had happened to the assailant. I was too focused on JJ’s condition to pay any attention to what they said. He looked like he’d pass out any moment, but he was keeping it together, probably for his partner’s benefit.

More likely, it was so his partner wouldn’t tell Sully what condition JJ was in.

“Can you call this in to my brother?” I heard JJ ask. “Cass and I need to go down to the station to give our statements, so it’ll be a while before I’ll be able to call him.”

I kept my mouth shut at the bald-faced lie. Bruce had told JJ an officer would come to Sully’s office to get our statements.

JJ’s partner, Boone, agreed and told him to look after himself before he trotted back to the house, presumably to take care of the young woman who was likely in a state of shock.

JJ wasn’t much better off, though I didn’t know if it was shock or pain or something else entirely that was draining the energy from his body with every second that passed.

“Where’s your car?” he asked.

“Just outside the driveway,” I responded.

JJ kept putting one foot painfully in front of the other as we made our way around the house, but as soon as we were out of sight of the residence, he pitched forward. I managed to wrap my arm around his waist before he hit the pavement. His skin was hot to the touch and one touch to his pulse point confirmed how hard his heart was working to keep his body going. His blood pressure was likely skyrocketing either because of the pain or, like the actress he’d protected, he was in a state of shock.

I got him settled in the passenger seat of the sedan I’d rented so he wouldn’t recognize me tailing him. JJ didn’t seem to notice the change in vehicles. He was barely awake.

I got the seat belt on him and shut the door before quickly hurrying to the driver’s side. I got the car running so the airconditioning would kick in. I put my fingers against his pulse point again.

His heart was still racing.

“JJ, I need to take you to a hospital,” I said. I was in the process of putting the car in gear when his fingers closed over mine.