I silenced JJ with a kiss. “You win,” I conceded. As hard as it was to admit, he was right. He would have suffered just as much torture as me if I’d been left behind so I’d be “safe.”
JJ nodded in satisfaction and began to leave the alcove. I grabbed his arm and dragged him back to me. “What the hell do you mean, a few seconds of pleasure? When I get my mouth on your dick, it’ll?—”
“You guys ready?” Sully asked. The asshole was standing five feet away, his steely eyes directed at me. “Or do you want to keep eye-fucking my baby brother while I take care of the rest of this shit?”
“Jesus,” I muttered.
“If you need someone to do the eye-fucking…” I heard Boone say. He was a few steps off to the side, his back to us so he could keep an eye on the lobby.
JJ stepped in front of me before I could go after the good-looking man. I already wasn’t the man’s biggest fan because not only had he partnered with JJ, he’d also played a role in keeping Sully off our backs while JJ had been helping me deal with my shit in Sully’s office.
Boone took a few steps back but didn’t turn around. “I checked with the guards, boss,” the man said as he continued to survey our surroundings.
“Is he here?” Sully asked.
“Upstairs, in his office,” Boone responded.
Hearing confirmation that the man who’d destroyed the lives of everyone around him and who was likely behind the deaths of three innocent people as well as the shooting that had nearly stolen JJ from me forever was in the building with only an elevator ride separating me from him had me seeing red. I’dpromised myself and JJ that I wouldn’t make assumptions about my father’s criminal behavior, but deep down, I knew it was a promise I couldn’t keep.
Not with the knowledge that the man standing next to me was only there by the grace of God and a lot of talented medical staff.
“Did you show him ID and explain about the weapons?” Sully asked.
“Didn’t have to,” Boone responded. Before I could ask what the hell he was talking about, Boone quoted, “‘Mr. Ashby and any armed or unarmed members of his protection detail are free to pass. The senior Mr. Ashby has been waiting for them.’”
“What?” JJ asked, his verbal surprise echoing my own shock, though mine was instantly rooted in suspicion.
“It’s a trap,” I growled. I had no idea how my father had known I was coming, but I wasn’t completely surprised, either.
“Only one way to find out,” Sully said. He strode forward. I looked over my shoulder at JJ, who gave me a nod and a small smile that he’d probably meant as encouragement. It only added another layer of dread to the shit pile of it sitting in my gut.
Not caring how it looked, I wrapped my fingers around JJ’s hand and kept him tucked up against me as I followed Sully. I still didn’t believe a word of what the guards had said to Boone, but sure enough, as soon as Sully reached the metal detector, one of the guards waved him around it instead of through it. He didn’t ask for ID. Not for any of us. We still had our weapons on us by the time we reached the elevator. There was no one waiting inside the elevator that only went to the top floor of the building, and despite drawing our weapons as it raced upward, there was no immediate need for them when the door opened because no one was waiting for us.
“What the hell?” Sully said softly.
I seconded the question but kept it to myself. Despite the lack of a security team waiting for us, we took our time clearing every conference room, cubicle, and office on the floor. The only room with the door closed and the blinds drawn was the one with my father’s name spelled out in shiny metal lettering next to the door. It was lit up from behind to give it more flair.
“Best of everything,” I muttered beneath my breath.
Sully had already made the decision that he’d go in first, followed by Boone. Once they cleared the room, then and only then were JJ and I supposed to enter. I’d held my tongue about the whole thing, but the second Sully reached out to turn the doorknob, I kicked open the door and, gun drawn, strode into the huge space. I heard both Sully and JJ curse behind me, but I didn’t care. My eyes were focused on the man sitting calmly at the desk, drink in hand.
“Ah, there he is,” my father said with a smile. He lifted the glass as if he were giving a toast. “The prodigal son returns.”
“Clear,” I heard Boone and Sully both call. I already knew from the blueprints that the office had a large bathroom in addition to an attached conference room.
JJ was behind me, but not directly. I wanted to step in front of him, but I knew he’d just move the opposite direction. It was like he’d said in the lobby. I needed to do what I did best, protecting him. He needed to do the same for me. Exposing him to any kind of threat went against every fiber of my being, but he was right. It was not just him or me anymore, it was us. And that applied to any and every part of our lives.
I focused on my father. Surprisingly, he looked older than all the recent pictures I’d seen of him in the paper and on the news. He was still a handsome man, but there was something missing. I just couldn’t put my finger on it.
“Fellas, fellas, is all this really necessary?” my father asked. He held out his hands, spilling some of his drink in the process.“Take a look around, get yourselves a drink… let’s catch up… son.”
“Give me one reason not to put a bullet in your brain right now,” I snarled.
My father rolled his eyes like I’d said the most ridiculous thing he’d ever heard. “Why all the hostility, Cassius?” His eyes shifted to JJ. “Your boy barely looks the worse for wear.” The man had the audacity to squint before adding, “A shame there wasn’t a better plastic surgeon on staff when they wheeled you in… could have had you shiny and new?—”
“Shut the fuck up!” I screamed. I already had my finger on the trigger when JJ stepped into the line of fire. He kept his gun pointed at my father and never took his eyes off him, but the close call left me rattled. I wanted to shake JJ for the danger he’d put himself into when I realized he wasn’t the one putting me, his brother, and Boone in danger.
I was doing that.