With Sully driving and Boone in the front seat, JJ and I had enough privacy that I could have broached the topic long before the vehicle neatly slid into an open spot less than a block from Ashby Tower. Coward that I was, I waited until Sully had thrown the SUV into park before I tightened my hand on JJ’s.
“Cass?” JJ asked as he looked out the window. Sully and Boone had practically thrown themselves out of the SUV before it had even stopped moving, so he and I were completely alone.
I didn’t respond because I knew I was already fucked just by the way he said my name.
“Did you know these SUVs are bulletproof?” JJ asked as he glanced through his window up at the glimmering skyscraper. “The frame and the windows,” he continued as if we were chatting about some interesting piece of information while on a Hollywood bus tour.
“Yes,” I responded when he squeezed my hand hard.
“You know what they aren’t proof against?” JJ continued. I could feel his eyes on me, and I know how stormy each of them would look, despite their differing colors. I stared at the headrest in front of me because I needed to stay strong.
“They’re notJJ proof.”
I steeled my resolve at his comment. “JJ, there’s no fucking way I’m letting?—”
That was as far as I got before he released my hand and simply opened the door and climbed out of the vehicle. “JJ!” I shouted as I jumped out of the SUV and nearly got run over by a lime green Lamborghini. I ignored the colorful names the driver called me and stomped to the sidewalk. I directed my next words at Sully.
“You couldn’t have gotten one of these”—I pointed at the SUV—“with the child safety locks on it?” I snapped even as I stepped in front of JJ, shielding him from view.
“Yeah, because that’s what I need when four of my guys are rolling up on a hostage scene,” Sully quipped. “For the two guys in the back with their AK47s all ready to go only to have the two guys in the front withtheirAK47s forget toopen the fucking back doors!”
JJ was already on the move before I could flip Sully the bird.
“JJ—” I began as I scanned our surroundings. Boone was behind us while Sully was in front, so JJ was covered from all three sides with the building acting as the fourth side. It didn’t matter; I was on edge anyway.
“Sweetheart,” JJ said, mimicking the tone I’d used on him. “Do you really want to talk about the fact that a certain someone’s little brother will never get his fantasy of having a certain someone’s best friend fuck a certain someone’s little brother in the back seat of a certain jet black 1969 Mustang?—”
“For Christ’s sake,” Sully muttered.
A couple of women who’d been walking behind us shot JJ a smile as they moved past us so they could catch the crosswalk before it changed.
Despite his words, JJ closed his hand around mine. “Let’s get inside the building, okay?” he said in all seriousness. His thumb rubbed over my skin in an effort to calm me. He was right, we needed to get into the building for added protection.
The second we were in the lobby, JJ led me to a small alcove that was surrounded on all three sides by stone. The fact that I could clearly see the lobby instead of being tucked away in the small space with no way out had me wanting to kiss him then and there. “What did you do, scope this place out?” I asked sarcastically.
“Yeah, didn’t you?” JJ responded. He winked at me and said, “I looked at the same blueprints you did, babe. I just looked for a couple extra things that I figured would help speed this whole thing along.” He glanced around us before continuing, “I know you’re scared to death for me. Not for yourself, forme.”
I nodded. “JJ?—”
He kissed me hard. “My turn to talk, sweetheart,” he whispered against my lips.
I sighed and kept silent even though all I wanted to do was lock JJ in a room somewhere with no way in except a single door that had every single man and woman Sully employed standing guard in front of it.
“Now, let’s look at it a little differently,” he began. “Let’s say I used my own little private brand of magic on you that wouldhave left you covered in your own cum while still trying to catch your breath in the back seat of the SUV.”
I opened my mouth to speak but JJ put his fingers over my lips. “Okay, so you’ve just shot a considerable load down my throat, but you being the stud you are and me being the guy with no gag reflex, I make sure you’re covered in your own jizz before I give you a taste of it,” he continued. My dick was already hardening as the scene played out in my head.
“So, you’re pretty much passed out in the back seat, and when I cuff you to the armrest, your first thought is what round two is going to be all about. Meanwhile, I’m out of the car and halfway to this nice little lobby here and all you can do is sit and watch over your shoulder as I walk into what could very well be a trap.”
“I’d break the fucking armrest,” I growled.
JJ nodded. “Sure, you could do that. Or you’d stop and think how it feels to watch the love of your life walk into a place that you may never see him walk out of. You think about how your life ceases the second his does. You forget that you’re a sharp, talented, focused man who knows how to deal with high-pressure situations because all you can see is every possible scenario of how you’re going to lose the love of your life play out. Don’t forget, the love of your lifeasked or insistedyou stay behind for your own safety.”
“It’s not the same—" I started to say.
“The only part that isn’t the same is the fact that you wouldn’t think to blow me beforehand so that I’d at least have a few seconds of pleasure before I realized what a lying dick you are before I GOT OUT OF THE CAR ANYWAY and followed you because you are the fucking goddamn love of my life and we agreed there is no you or me anymore. It’s us. We. So you’re going to shut the fuck up, do what you do best which is protect me, I’m going to do what I do best which is protect you, and thenwe’re going to figure out what the fuck is going on. Then and only then will you get to fulfillyourfantasy which is to fuckmein your 1969 Must?—”