He wanted the closeness. He wouldn’t let me go.
After the things we did for hours, he still wanted that closeness because it wasn’t enough.
I pressed my palm over his heart. “Your heart is beating so fast.”
He smiled, and that was when I saw something that killed me—his teeth. They were so cute. I appreciate and see beauty in things that most don’t notice, I guess.
He seemed caught off guard by my comment, but not in a bad way. Rather, he too could feel that our shared connection stemmed deeper than we both anticipated.
We spoke for hours after. Everything we spoke about through text, we now discussed face to face. It really was something else.
I think most would agree that sex with anyone for the first time is hit or miss. We’re learning about the other person’s body, their likes, and if the online connection can be felt physically. It’s always different vibing with someone in person.
But with Ghost, it was even better than I thought it would be.
It was getting late, and he kissed me one final time. He peered down at me, those black nails of his caressing over my face.
“So our date…we’re meeting at seven? Or eight?”
I was shocked he still wanted to go on our date, but he took my shock as rejection.
His brows drew inward, and a look of concern passed over his beautiful face.
“Yes? No? Yes?” he asked, hovering over me, worried I had changed my mind.
I didn’t know why, but his insecurities touched me.
He was handsome, smart, and so clever. Yet here he was, my Superman, worried I would say no.
I replied the only way I could—I looped my fingers around the back of his neck, and toying with the strands curling his nape, I kissed him.
It was all the answer he needed.
It was late when he left. He kissed me good night in the doorway, and it was apparent it was hard for both of us to say goodbye.
When he left, I texted Bunny. Of course I told her everything. But then I grew sad. What if he didn’t feel what I did? Men are different than women after sex. It’s a scientific fact.
I began to panic and regret my choices.
But that was when my phone lit up because Ghost had sent a message.
I’ve made it home safely. I hope tonight made a good impression. Sorry, not sorry for making a mess.
My heart swelled because this message meant so much. Bunny was impressed. She said he’s a keeper because a one-night stand does not text the moment they get home.
I replied.
Thanks for coming after working all day. You made more than a good impression. I can smell you all over me. Seeing you was supposed to help, not make things worse haha. I can’t really read you, but I hope you felt what I did.
He replied a moment later.
I was more than happy to come over. You were so beautiful and intense. I hope my scent lingers for a while. I definitely felt something! You were everything you said you were. I shall speak to you tomorrow. Sleep well x
And this, dear reader, is why I fell so fucking hard because who wouldn’t? Ghost was playing by a handbook crafted especially for me.
The following day, I woke sore all over—body and soul. The pain was a reminder that Ghost was, in fact, real. He felt like a dream. He did from the moment we kissed.
Ghost had sent a message before work. He wished me a beautiful day and said that he missed me. He then said something that any woman wanted to hear from her man.