Page 73 of Love Harder

I was skeptical but humored the universe nonetheless.

The Unicorn was a gentleman; I sensed that from the get-go. He was old-fashioned in a sense as he wanted to go out for dinner. He lived a little while away from me and didn’t assume he was staying the night. I gave him the address of where to meet, but he said he was hoping to come to my house prior and then we go out together. If this were any other guy, I would have guessed this was just a ploy to come over and no dinner would be had.

But not with The Unicorn.

I sensed he meant it.

Perhaps it was to see if we vibed, and if we didn’t, then we could avoid an uncomfortable dinner where we’d be eyeing off the closest exit. But my gut was telling me he was doing this because he wasn’t a fuckboy and that perhaps he could sense that something, something too.

I was running late as usual, so Mötley was taking one for the team and stepping in while I frantically got ready. I wasn’t nervous. I never usually am when I meet someone new. Usually, the reason for that is because I’ve spoken to said person for at least a week prior to meeting. But with The Unicorn, I suppose in the beginning, I was more curious than anything.

Why had he captured my attention like no one had ever before?

When there was a knock on the door, those butterflies appeared, but I reminded myself that it is usually your good sense leaving your body. This was going to be yet another disappointment, one which I could learn from, and seeing as this was “the last time,” I quashed down any expectations and went to meet the boy who drove close to two hours to see me.

However, before I had a chance to call it a night, Mötley tackled me in the hallway with a huge grin, nodding like a bobblehead. “You’re going to like him. He is so FUCKING hot!”

Bless her potty mouth.

I felt remotely better because if she approved, then I knew I would too. But scroll back and reread what I said in regard to looks. They are the first thing that attracts most people to someone else, but I know if we’re going to have chemistry from the first moment we meet.

And that is foolproof.

The Unicorn had bought an outfit and shoes (swoon) for our date and wanted to shower beforehand.

He was waiting for me in the kitchen, and when I entered…I knew I was in so much fucking trouble.

He was tall. Like really, really tall.

He was built how I like my men.

His eyes were the most beautiful color, but his smile…his smile was nothing but trouble in all the best of ways. I knew without a doubt, then and there, that The Unicorn was someone different.

Different how, I was still unsure of. But what I was sure of was that the universe was holding back, dropping losers in my lap to set the path for this man who killed me slowly with that smile.

I hated him already.

But behind that smile, he was guarded, and when I looked too close, he would peer at me with a look I would soon become accustomed to before he would wink. I don’t know why, but Ifound the gesture leaving me with more questions than answers. But I also found it endearing.

The Unicorn was a Rubik’s Cube, and just when I thought I had him figured out, I would turn a side, only to be faced with another avenue that would make him, him. Early on, he told me he was a walking red flag.

Was it a deterrent?

No fucking way.

Was he going to leave me guessing?

Hell to the fuck yes he was.

So with that in mind, I decided to see what the night held for us because I literally had started speaking to him just shy of twenty-four hours ago.

The moment Mötley left, and we were alone, I took a good look at my date for the night and liked every single thing he was throwing down. I wanted him to have a good night, so it was decided early on that neither of us would drive.

As we walked to the door, he grabbed me by the arm, turned me toward him, and kissed me.

This was the test.

Did I feel it?