Page 54 of Love Harder


I’ve been ghosted.

Been fooled into thinking that someone was the real deal.

And now, I was in a situationship with a fuckboy.

What could possibly happen next?

What could happen next is an expected turn of events.

But are we surprised?

No, we are not.

With his blue eyes, dark hair, ink, and smart mouth, I didn’t stand a chance. And his name, his name is Brooklyn. He’s from New York originally, and I met him on yet another app. You’d think I’d learn my lesson by now.

But nope, and you want to know why?


Glutton for punishment?

Yes, but the crux of it all is that I am a hopeless romantic and still want to believe in love.

I still like to believe that my Mr. Right is out there, regardless of all the Mr. Wrongs I’ve dated. I refuse to let bad luck, bad choices, break me because I am too stubborn for that. What I can say, however, is that these experiences have made me even more cautious and leaves the overthinker in me rocking in a corner and wishing this nightmare would be over soon.

I can honestly say that I wish I never met Brooklyn. He promised he was different…only to yell SURPRISE, I AM A LYING A-HOLE.

But let’s take a trip down memory lane, shall we?

Like most events in my life, I was not looking for Brooklyn. Nor did I see him coming. He caught me completely unawares. I was in the US for work, and as one does, bored one night, I was scrolling through my matches and saw him.

By now, I’m sure you know what I like. That I look for that something, something, and Brooklyn had it.

Our original conversation was nothing spectacular. So much so that I forgot we had connected and left the US without giving him a second thought. A few days later, however, when I fell back into scrolling instead of writing, I saw that he had messaged, and I hadn’t replied. I decided to rectify that, something I wish I hadn’t because, well, you can guess why.

But as I always say, hindsight is fucking useless.

He seemed very upfront, and I liked his laid-back vibe. He was honest, and his communication was incredible. We added one another on socials and spoke incessantly every single day.

I woke to a good morning message. Only to send him a good night message back.

We made the time difference work.

Who said long distance doesn’t work?

A wise mothertrucker, that’s who.

During the weeks of us getting to know one another, we spoke nonstop for hours. The first time I called him, it honestly felt as though I had known him for years. There were no awkward silences or pauses. We spoke for about four hours, something which soon became our norm.

We literally spoke from sunrise to sunset, and it just felt…normal.

I never had this with the other men I was seeing. Yes, the past men and I talked a lot too, but I think I spoke more to Brooklyn than I conversed to my husband in the twelve years we were married.

Brooklyn made time for me and made me feel as though I was someone special.

He called when he needed to vent or needed advice. He called just to say hi. It was so incredibly refreshing because there were no games. Brooklyn made clear he liked me, and I liked him.