Page 80 of Stolen Bases

I shrug, avoiding her gaze. She’s going to yell at me. “We kind of … hit it off.”

“Hit it off? What does that mean?”

I can’t stop my cheeks from flushing as I finally look her in the eye.

Her eyes widen, and her jaw falls open as what I’m saying falls into place. “No.” Grabbing my arm, Sofia tugs me up from my seat, making it scrape across the tile floor.

“Where are you two going?” Zia Rose asks. She has her eyes narrowed in on me as she places a steaming dish on the table in front of us.

“Umm.” I swallow around the lump in my throat, trying to think of something to say.

Sofia jumps in to save me. Thank God, because I really am crap at lying. “I just wanted to show Lia those new jeans I bought. We’ll be right back, Ma.”

Zia Rose’s head tilts to the side as her eyes bounce between the two of us before giving us the look—the one that says she knows we are bullshitting. “Better hurry before your mom sees, Lia.”

Busted.My aunt is no fool. And neither is Mom.

Sofia drags me from the kitchen to the small bathroom down the hall.

“Ow, Sof. Chill.”

She shakes her head, pulling me into the bathroom and slamming the door before reprimanding me. “Are you freaking crazy?”

Yes. Absolutely crazy. “What do you want me to say? It happened.”

“What happened? Please, help me understand.”

I think for a minute. While I don’t really want to tell anyone, I also need someone to be on my side. The burden of carrying this secret has been one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. I don’t stray from the line. I’m the perfect one. This is the first time I’m putting everyone else’s feelings aside and selfishly following my heart.

I start at the beginning and tell Sofia everything that happened while I was in Arizona. Well, not everything. Some things are just for me and Cam. But I give her the clean version of our hot tub meetings and the sneaking out to be together.

“This is so much worse. I said bang him, not fall for him. Nico is going to lose his shit.” Cupping her cheeks, she shakes her head in disbelief.

My heart deflates. I knew this was going to be hard, but I didn’t comprehend how much it would hurt. “You don’t think I know that?”

“I don’t know what you were thinking. You have a death wish. I mean, I get it—he’s hot. But come on. The guy is a player. Haven’t you heard a word your brother has said about him? He’s—”

“No. Don’t say another word. You don’t know him. Nico doesn’t know him either. Cam is nothing like that.”

Sofia rears back, face falling as I reel into her.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to yell.” I tug at my braid, my frustration boiling over as I pace the bathroom. “I’m tired of hearing the same stuff about Cam. He’s not perfect. He has a history. Who doesn’t? But he’s more than he lets everyone see. He’s a good man, Sof. Like, down-to-his-soul good. Sweet, funny, and thoughtful. I need you to trust me when I say Nico is wrong about him. This isthe first time I’m doing something everyone is going to disapprove of, but I need you to be in my corner. Please?” I plead, taking her hands in mine and squeezing.

Sofia’s caramel eyes search mine for a beat before she nods. “Okay.”


She pulls me in for a bear hug. “Yes. You are the smartest person in this family. If you feel down to your soul that he is a good guy and not what Nico says, then I believe you. You have the biggest heart. You would never let some jerk into it.”

I hug my cousin as tight as I can, grateful for her trust in me. “Thank you. I swear it.” Breaking our hug, I pull my phone out of my pocket and wiggle it at her. I’ve been dying to text Cam since I opened the gift he sent. “You go out first. I need another minute.”

“Gotcha. But don’t take too long. The others are probably already suspicious.”

The way my aunt stared at me before, she’s definitely suspicious.

“You’re right. I’ll make it quick.”

Hand on the door, Sofia stops and turns to me. “Lia, I hope it works out for you. For what it’s worth, I’ve noticed how happy you’ve been lately, and I have a feeling it’s because of him.” She slips out of the powder room door before I can respond.