Page 32 of Stolen Bases

Nico and I walk into the kitchen, laughing until we run into the other occupant of the house.

Hold me up, Gladys, because I’m about to pass out.

Cam is standing in front of the refrigerator with a water bottle in hand, wearing nothing but a pair of blue low-slung athletic shorts. My knees wobble, and my mouth pools with saliva at the sight of him. His hair is wet, and he smells freshly showered. Bergamot, oranges, and something musky and entirely Cameron hit me like a bolt of lightning, scorching my blood.

My core clenches, and memories of clutching his strong shoulders as he kissed me flash before my eyes.

Face blank, Cam stares at me, ignoring Nico completely, as I stare back at him. He twists the cap off the bottle, his arm muscles rippling, then lifts the bottle to his shiny pink lips and takes a sip, eyes trained on me the entire time.

When did watching a guy drink water get so … erotic? The way Cam’s throat bobs as he drinks makes my core throb.

Is it hot in here?

“Miller,” my brother growls, snapping me out of my lust-filled haze and the trance Cam has on me.

“Romero.” Cam briefly glances at my brother, acknowledging him, before turning back to me. “Little Romero.” His lip twitches, fighting a smile.

What the heck is he doing? He’s being so obvious.

I glare at him, begging him to stop.

“What are you doing here?” Nico’s jaw clenches.

“Getting water. What are you doing?”

The tension in the room is so thick you could cut it with a knife. Who in the world thought putting these two on the same team was a good idea? It’s clear as day they have some sort of weird animosity towards each other.

After talking to Cam and doing some internet research—okay, stalking—of my own, my gut says this grudge started with Nico. Something niggles my brain, begging me to figure it all out. It’s mynature to fix things, especially for my brother, but this time it’s for entirely different reasons.

Selfish reasons.

Pushing down that train of thought, I politely answer for Nico. “We were looking for ice cream. We’re going to watch a movie. Want to watch with us?”

“Lia, what the fuck?” Nico points a finger at Cam. “I told you to stay away from my sister.”

“Nico,” I scold, sounding way too much like my mom right now. He needs to chill the hell out. I can take care of myself. Besides, I know Cam. He won’t stay.

Cam chuckles. “Relax, Romero. I’m going to hit the hay early. I have extra practice in the morning.” Cam turns to look me in the eye and says, “I have a container of chocolate you can have, hidden behind the vegan breakfast sausage. Have fun with your brother, little Romero.”

“Thanks,” I murmur, in awe at the restraint and patience he employs in the face of adversity also known as Nico Romero. I can see why people believe their hatred is good-natured team rivalry.

“No problem.” With that, Cam walks out of the kitchen and pads—no, swaggers—down the hall to his room. There’s no way to tell with his back to me, but if I’d venture to guess, I’d say he’s got a cocky grin plastered across his handsome face.

Forcing my smile away, I turn on my brother, pointing at him like he’s a naughty child. “What is wrong with you? You’re supposed to be getting along. Why can’t you be nice?”

He lifts a hand to his chest. “What’s wrong with me? Are you kidding me?”

“No, I’m not kidding you.”

“Come the fuck on, Lia. That guy?” He gestures down the hall. “First, I catch you kissing him, and now you’re just blatantly flirting with him in front of me.”

“Asking him to watch a movie withusis flirting with him? Gee, you’re acting like a jealous boyfriend, not my older brother. I can take care of myself, you know.”

“Gross. I’m not jealous.” He contorts his face in disgust and retches.

I don’t dare laugh at his ridiculousness or he’ll never stop. The last thing I want to do is fight with Nico tonight.

“Just stay away from him.”