Page 29 of Stolen Bases

Fuck, she’s going to leave. The organ in my chest stalls, and panic creeps in until she sits down across from me.

My heart restarts. Recovering as quickly as I can, I sit across from her. She’s still thinking, chewing on the delicious lip of hers.

“I’m sensing there’s a but coming.”

She smiles. It’s weak at best. “There’s a big but coming.”

“It’s okay. I like big butts.” My joke lands, and Talia’s smile widens. She shakes her head and rolls her eyes at me.

There’s the girl I remember from the bar.

“Stop it.”

“Fine. I’m serious. What’s your but?”

“But I think we should stop.”

“Stop what?” I play stupid.

“Stop this.” She motions between us with her finger. “Stop whatever this is from starting.”

No. Is my instant thought, but I keep my lips sealed.

‘Think first, react later,’Dad’s voice rings in my head. He taught me restraint and dedication will help me achieve my goals as long as I think smarter. Right now, my goal is to get to know Talia.

I take a deep breath and nod like I’m going along with what she’s saying. She’s not wrong. Whatever this is between us is all kinds of fucked up. But I haven’t had a spark with a woman in a very long time, and something in my gut tells me to keep going. Keep talking to her, seeing her, and being near her.

“I get it. Nico is my sworn enemy and therefore, by association, I’m persona non grata in his book. But what about yours? Because as much as I don’t disagree with you, I also don’t want to stop getting to know you.”See if there is something more between us.

Being with Talia, even in a friendly way, is seriously so bad it’s almost too good to pass up. Like an ice cream sundae with all the toppings. About halfway, you know you should listen to your stomach and stop, but you can’t because it’s sitting there looking delicious and tastes so damn good.

My only hope is I don’t get a stomachache if I eat her.

Fuck, I shouldn’t have thought about eating her because now I can’t stop thinking about going down on Talia’s sweet pussy. I bet she tastes sweet, like an ice cream sundae. Dirty visions of us flood my brain and send my cock saluting.

“Why are you doing this to me?” She groans, covering her face with her hands.

Desperately needing to touch her and ease her fears without scaring her away, I slide my foot out and graze the side of hers under the water. Talia freezes, unsure what to do.

“I could ask you the same question.”

My admission eases the conflict she’s struggling with because she relaxes and glides her foot against mine. Waves of energy slide up my leg and shoot straight to my dick as her soft skin brushes mine. Fuck, I’m pathetic, playing footsie like a teenager with a crush.

“Let’s just keep getting to know each other. How does that sound?”

“I’d like that. I have another small but first.”

“Shoot me with it.”

“If I’m going to go behind my brother’s back to hang out with you, can we maybe not talk about him?”

My chest warms at the innocence in her question.

“Nothing would make me happier.” I can’t help but return the smile she gives me. I’m like the cat that caught the canary. Because I did. I caught her, and this beautiful pixie of a woman wants to stay and get to know me. “Tell me more about your mom.”


“Hell yeah. My mom is the fucking best. She taught third grade until a couple of years ago. She’s retired now, and I’m pretty sure she and my dad are going to move closer to my older brother and his family.”