Page 160 of Stolen Bases

Jace walks over and smacks me upside the head.

“Hey, what was that for?” That fucking hurt.

“For fucking up,” he says.

“How do you know I fucked up?” I rub my head.

“Because you’re a Miller, and that’s what we do,” Mason interjects. He joins me and Dad on the bench. “At least, before we get the girl.”

“Speak for yourselves,” Eli snarks.

My dad points at him. “Your day will come, E. Just you wait.”

“Whatever. We didn’t hike all this fucking way to talk about my love life.” Eli shifts from foot to foot, looking uncomfortable talking about his so-called love life, as usual.

“That’s because you don’t have one,” Jace jokes.

“He’s got you there.” Mason covers his mouth with his fist, hiding his laugh.

“Fuck off,” Eli grumbles. “I could have one if I wanted. I’m just busy right now.”

“Enough,” my dad interrupts. “We can rag on Eli later. We need to fix Cameron before your mom starts crying about him never giving her grandbabies.”

“Mason doesn’t have any either.” I chuck my thumb at my brother. “She should bug him. He’s the married one.”

I look over to find Mason puffing his chest with a grin. “I will in seven months.”

“Dude.” I throw my arm around his neck and squeeze the fuck out of him, giving him a noogie. “This is fucking awesome news. Congrats.”

“Easy, kid. He’s turning blue.” Jace pulls me off Mason, who sucks in a ragged breath before he’s wrapped in another bear hug from Jace and then Eli.

“Why didn’t you say something at Riah’s party?” Jace looks a little hurt.

Mason shrugs. “We didn’t want to overshadow her first birthday.”

“Thanks, man, but Rylann and I wouldn’t have cared. I’m sure Ry already knows anyway.” Jace smiles thinking about his wife.

Mason chuckles. He looks so damn happy. I’m only, like, twenty-percent jealous. Okay, fine, ninety percent, but it’s only because I miss my girl.

“She does. Busted Em throwing up at work and railed into her for being a shit secret keeper.”

We all have a good laugh at that. My sister-in-law is beyond intuitive.

“Your mother and I knew.” Dad smiles like the proud grandad he is. “I hope it’s a girl too. Too many boys in this family. It’s become a sausage party.”

I burst out laughing while my brothers groan.

“How have we never realized that Cameron is Dad’s clone?” Jace muses, making us all laugh.

I drape my arm over Dad’s shoulders. “Because you like to deny being in the presence of double the greatness.”

“You’re an idiot.” Mason punches me in the arm.

“Mase, watch the arm,” Dad chides. Good old Mark Miller is my fucking hero. “He just pitched a perfect game. He’s not ready for retirement yet.”

“Can we get back to the point, so we can get off this godforsaken mountain before we cook in the sun?” Eli runs his hands through his hair. I bet the bastard is itching to get back to the office.

“Speaking of retirement…” Everyone looks my way with horrified looks on their faces. “Relax. I’m not retiring. At least, not yet.”