Page 152 of Stolen Bases

“You did.” Everyone does. He even underestimates himself. I’ll just have to keep reminding him how amazing he is.

“I will have to thank him when I see him next.”

I’m pretty sure my jaw is on the floor. Does this mean she’s open to us being together?

Slow your horses, girl. She’s just being kind.

“Would you like to join me for some tea? Maybe talk a little?”

“I’d love to.”

Mamma fills up the kettle. “You look like you’ve been crying. Are you okay?”

If we are going to move past this, then I need to be honest. It’s the only way for us all to move forward. “No.”

I watch as she busies herself getting my mug ready with a bag of Earl Gray tea. Then she opens the fridge and grabs a few containers. She places a few pre-sliced pieces of cheese and the soppressata I like on a plate with some grapes and crackers.

I don’t have the heart to tell her I’m not hungry as I watch her put together the small charcuterie plate.

“Did you see it?”

Ugh. Yeah, I saw it. I pulled it up as soon as the car drove away. I couldn’t stop myself from watching it on my phone, all the way on the way home.

“I did. It’s not every day your brother punches the man you love on national television.”

I needed to see it. To see what made Cam question his actions. At first, all I could think was that Cam needed to get checked for a concussion, but as I kept watching, I saw it.

Nico looked so angry, yelling at Cam while one of his teammates held him back. The pain in my brother’s eyes was unmistakable. It hurt me to my core to see my big, strong brother hurting.

I still think that, deep down, Nico’s hate for Cam goes deeper than some girl no one knows about. Don’t get me wrong; my brother doesn’t let just anyone in, so he must have really cared for this woman. But I can’t help wondering if there is more to his hate.

“It was not Nico’s finest moment. How is Cameron feeling this morning?” my mom asks, shocking me again.

“He says he’s fine.” After watching that video, I know he’s lying. His jaw has to be killing him. As well as his ribs. I don’t like how he conveniently left that part out, always protecting me like I can’t handle the truth. I’m going to have to talk to him about that.

I noticed the bruising when I was washing him, but I didn’t question it. Cam is usually beaten up after a big game or an intensetraining session. He doesn’t like it when I fuss over him, so I let him be. For now.

The kettle screams. My mom fills my mug and places it, and the plate of food, in front of me. She takes a seat across from me. Sensing that she wants to say something, I sit quietly and blow on my tea.

“I am so sorry, my sweet girl. For everything. Our last conversation really opened my eyes. You are right to be angry with me. I took your intelligence and sacrifices for granted.”

“Mamma, no.”

“Let me finish, Lia. I need to say this. I hate that I made you feel less important. I am so very sorry. You mean the world to me. You and your brother are my life. I guess in some ways, though, I overcompensated with Nico. When I chose to keep you and your father walked away, it broke me. It felt like it was all my fault that Nico didn’t have a dad anymore.”

“No way. That’s on him, not you. He’s the coward who left.”

“Ragazza preziosa.” Precious girl. “I know that now, but I was young, and I had a little boy who didn’t understand why his dad left. Nico cried himself to sleep for months. Then you were born. As soon as your brother laid eyes on you, I knew he would protect you and love you enough that it didn’t matter if your piece-of-shit father had left us.”

“It didn’t matter. Nico is the best brother. I love him, and I hate that I hurt him.”

“I know, Lia. And I think, deep down, he does too. He’s just upset right now.”

“I get that. But he can’t treat me like I’m a little girl. I don’t need him or you to protect me anymore. I need you to believe I know what’s best for me.”

“You’re right. I’ve indulged Nico for too long and, in the process, I forgot to nourish your needs. For a second, I forgot you grew up and became this beautiful, intelligent, and capable womanwith the biggest heart. I am so proud of you and the person you have become. I love you, Lia. With all my heart.”

Tears pour down my cheeks as I absorb everything my mother has just shared with me. It couldn’t have been easy for such a proud woman to admit she was wrong.