I’m done with our parents putting business before their children. It’s not uncommon in our world, but I won’t live like this. It’s why I finally said no.
I know what real love feels like.Knew.
I doubt Mason is going to give me the time of day to explain. He told me secrets were his hard limit.
I love that man fiercely, but he is stubborn as hell. My bossy man.
Tears spill down my face as I picture the devastation on Mason’s handsome face. The betrayal of my lies cut him deep.
“What the hell am I going to do now?” Lex sniffs, and I can’t help but hug him tighter because I feel the same way.
But for once, I know what we need to do and who we need to call for help. I don’t know if it will be enough to fix the damage and hurt we’ve caused to the people we love, but it’s worth a shot. I might have made my choice, although too late, but Lex still has time to fix his. It’s going to hurt like hell for him. I’ve prepared myself for this day for years. I might not have given up hope my father would change, but deep down, I knew it would end like this for me—outcasted in his eyes.
“I made my choice, Lex. I’ve accepted the consequences. I am not going to pretend anymore. I can’t. It hurts too much. That’s why I came tonight. After you left the office, I told them it was off.”
“What did Sinclair say?”
I shrug. “The usual. If I leave, not to come back. Blahblah blah.”
“Wow. You really did it, didn’t you?”
“Yes. It feels like the noose around my neck has been cut. I can breathe, but…” My heart sinks, remembering Mason’s stinging parting words. “It doesn’t matter now. I was too late.”
“That’s nothing. I signed the agreement. I’m so fucked.”
“How? I didn’t sign anything.” See, this is exactly why my friend is an idiot. He’s so focused on the company. he doesn’t think things through.
Lex’s head snaps up. “What?”
“I didn’t sign the paperwork. So even if you did, and accepted the terms of our marriage and the merger of the companies’ terms, it’s not valid if I don’t sign. No matter what deal our parents have or try to pull behind our backs, they can’t do a damn thing if we both don’t sign the marriage license or the contract.”
“They said you signed them both.”
“Figures.” I scoff. Of course, Sinclair and Alfred were playing head games with Lex, trying to use me for their own gain. “Why didn’t you talk to me?”
“I—” He scratches his chin, thinking. He flings his arms in the air. “Fuck if I don’t know. It felt like the company was slipping through my fingers.”
“You’re an idiot.”
“I am.”
“The company can’t be worth all this suffering. The head games, the control, the money, the parties, the fake people, the expectations that come with it all. What you had with Lizzie was real. I had it too, and it was beautiful. I’d trade it all for another chance with Mason.”
“I don’t know how to let it go.”
His confession truly breaks my heart because I understand. This is all he’s ever known. I left to be closer to Chris, and Lex stayed behind. He has yet to break free from his chains while I’ve been slowly severing mine without anyone becoming the wiser.
“You have to let it go, or you’ll never be happy. Is this really what you want? A pretend marriage with me because our parents say so, just to keep our businesses within the families? Or do you want a life full of happiness and love? Don’t you want to spend your life with the one person who owns your heart? Who gets you inside and out? Who makes you happy? Who you can’t spend a day without? Can you honestly tell me you can live without Lizzie?”
“No,” he confirms what I already knew. She’s his person; he just lost sight of what’s more important.
“Let’s start there. Let’s go find her.”
“I don’t know where she is. She’s not at her place. She won’t answer my calls. No one will tell me where she is. Not even Flip. I don’t know what to do, and I’m losing it.”
I’m not surprised Flip has been tight-lipped. He’s protective of his sister, Lizzie. They protect each other like Chris and I do.
“We’ll find her.”