Page 85 of Stolen Moments

I smother my groan and annoying thoughts with another drink of my rapidly warming beer.

“What’s that face for?” Eli bumps my shoulder, sending my beer sloshing in my cup.

“E, you’re lucky you didn’t spill this all over my shorts. What the f—”

My head is clipped from behind mid-sentence. I rub the spot and turn to find Jace glowering at me. He glances down at Rhys, who is slurping away on his dessert, eyes locked on the mound where his uncle is pitching.

“Watch your mouth, brother, or I’m going to have to beat you senseless.”

“Sorry,” I growl.

He’s right. I should watch my mouth, but no way could he beat my ass. Jace is a big softy, and I’m grown now. I could easily kick his ass.

Eli chuckles beside me. “It’s funny, you know.”

“What’s funny?”

“You, getting in trouble with Jay. You’re always the good brother, kissing his a-s-s all the time.”

Rhys leans across my lap and whispers “I can spell, you know.” He smiles proudly, a chocolate mustache painted across his face.

Eli pushes his little head back. “Get out of here, you nosy little turd, or I’m not going to sneak you cotton candy.”

Rhys jumps back in his seat and stares ahead. He must really want that cotton candy. Rylann is going to flip when she learns about all the junk we let this kid eat. His uncles aren’t even the worst ones—it’s Jace. He’s a full-fledged sucker, and Rhys has him wrapped around his little finger. All he has to do is pout, and Jace is buying him whatever he wants.

“I need a refill.” Eli hits my shoulder and stands. “Anyone want anything?”

Rhys gives Eli the look, and Jace shakes his head, a grin plastered across his face. He knows about the candy.

“I got you, little buddy.”

Rhys smiles and bounces in his seat.

My chest warms watching his face light up. I love him so much. Our life is better with him in it.

I stand with Eli and shuffle out of the aisle, up the stairs, and through the crowd to the concessions stand. We get in line and wait.

“Where’s your girl this weekend?”

I roll my eyes at Eli’s question. Nosy fucker.

“With her family. They have an annual party.”

“Why didn’t you go with her?”

“I’m here with my family. This is Rhys’s first time in Chicago for a game on the Fourth.”

Eli nods as we inch closer to the front. “How are things going with her?”


“Getting serious?”

“I guess.”

“You guess?” His eyebrows meet his hairline. “What do you mean, youguess? You’ve been seeing this woman since January.”

“It’s long-distance,” is all I say.