Standing from my desk, I grab the file and place it at reception, where Mandy will be sitting. I watch as she trails a waddlingRylann around, taking notes. As Rylann chuckles, cradling her stomach, a flash of me swollen and pregnant pops into my head.
I never really entertained the idea of having kids before. My parents aren’t exactly the best role models, and with the way things are, my sole focus has been one attempt after another to escape my parents’ grasp—a slow process that has become increasingly difficult to follow through with, even if it’s for Chris’s sake.
But with Mason? A future with him flashes before me.
As if she can feel me staring, Rylann turns around and gives me a soft, knowing smile. She’s perceptive and all-knowing yet never judgmental. She never pushes me for answers or details, unlike Scarlett, who would prefer to tie me down and water-board me for answers. No, Rylann is a gentle soul, and I couldn’t be more grateful for her to be my boss.Partner.
Who am I kidding? Those two women will always be my bosses. That’s how it started for us. They hired me, just like Mandy here, to help cover while they went on maternity. Only then, it was Rylann first. Those two seem to do everything together, even have their children at the same time.
Rylann walks over to me and pats my hand. “I’m going to be fine, Em. Remember, we did this before, you and me.”
“I know. I just… Well, that’s just it. It was you and me.”
She chuckles, squeezing my hand. “It was.” Shrugging, she jerks her head at the newbie headed towards the bathroom. “But I like this one. Maybe we’ll get lucky, and she’ll become another you.”
My cheeks heat at her compliment. She always knows what to say to calm me down and ease my fears. I love working here. It’s been a dream come true.
“Thanks, Ry.”
“Of course, girl. You know we love you. You’re one of us.”
My chest tightens, and my eyes cloud. Rylann always tells me this, but I’ve always ignored it. Lately, though, I’ve really wanted to be one of them. I have been carrying a load of heartbreak, guilt,and secrets for so long that it’s hard for me to let people in, for me to trust.
I don’t know what comes over me, but I lean in and give Rylann a hug. Her belly bumps me as she hugs me back. Her sweet citrusy perfume soothes my heart ache as she holds me tight.
“You’re the best boss ever,” I whisper, pulling out of her grasp but feeling ten times better.
She rolls her eyes at me. “I’m not your boss.”
“You’ll always be my older, wiser boss-lady. Scarlett too.”
“Don’t let her hear you call her old, or she’ll kick you in the ass.”
We share a laugh, thinking about how Scarlett would, indeed, kick my ass for calling her old.
“True, and I kind of like my ass.”
“Me too. It’s my inspiration after I have this kiddo. Maybe I’ll be joining you at one of those crazy kickboxing classes you take.”
“You’re perfect just as you are, but I’d love for you to come with me to one.” I really mean it.
Rylann’s eyes widen in shock, but she quickly shakes it off. “I’m holding you to that. Now, why don’t you get out of here and have a good weekend already.”
I make a face, and her smile falters for half a second.
“I’m always here if you need me.”
Nodding, I give her another hug before heading to my desk and grabbing my suitcase.
I feel lighter as I head out. It’s nice knowing I have someone in my corner when I’m ready to let her in.
Tonight’s affair is the same as always, lavish and artificial. The air buzzes with idle chatter as everyone drinks and nibbles on fancy hors d’oeuvres, sipping thousand-dollar bottles of champagne while a jazz band plays in thebackground.
My mother outdid herself, as usual, going above and beyond with her theme—beige. The tablecloths, the flowers, the food, and even the twinkling lights overhead are beige. It makes everything look so … lifeless and boring, like her.
My stomach flips as I observe her and my father with their friends from the other side of the dance floor. Leave it to Sinclair and Cybil Rhodes to put on a spectacle. They are all fake smiles and forced hearty laughs as they drink and schmooze with each other. The sound of their synthetic joy grates on my nerves and makes me sick.
Bubbles pop and sparkle on my tongue as I take another sip of my champagne, hoping the cool liquid soothes the anger licking at my skin. Don’t get me wrong, the estate—which has been passed down for generations on my father’s side—is gorgeous, with a beautiful view of the Long Island Sound. The community is located on a privately owned peninsula, and many of the estates here in Heaven’s Point have this view. A view that is highly sought after and revered.