Mason scoots back in his chair and begins packing up his stuff. Reluctantly, I follow suit and do the same.
Get it together, Emery. You don’t know this guy.
“Well, it was nice to meet you, Mason.”
He hums a non-answer, so I reach for my purse, toss my phone inside, and grab my luggage handle. I manage two steps away from the table before he’s in line with me, matching my every step. He towers over me, and at 5’8’’, I’m taller than the average woman, but Mason has a good six inches on me.
He’s got a laptop bag hanging over his broad shoulder, and I can’t tear my eyes away from the way his bicep flexes, and the cords of muscles and veins strain as he carries a small duffle bag in his hand.
Mason strides confidently beside me, emitting some major badass boss vibes. He’s both casual and business-like in manner and dress, with his thick chunky cardigan with leather elbow patches, a plain T-shirt, dark jeans, and expensive-looking boots.
Hot professor, maybe?
Doesn’t matter, he’s yummy. Chris would categorize Mason’s aura asbig dick energy.
Before I can stop myself, my gaze bounces to his crotch for proof. My face heats as I rip my gaze away.
What is wrong with me, and why am I trying to look at this man’s package?
Biting my lip, I fight a groan. I hope Mason didn’t see me trying to ogle his junk.
Together, we walk in silence towards my gate. My skin tingles, and my stomach dips like I’m about to get on a roller coaster. My body is going haywire at Mason’s proximity.
What is it about him?
I shove that question to the back of my brain and ignore the energy building between me and this mysteriously handsome man.
“I don’t mean to be presumptuous when I say this, but… Why are you following me?”
A deep chuckle rumbles from his chest at my question. He glances at me, a smug smile on his lips.
We separate to walk around a family pushing a stroller, but he keeps up easily.
“Do you want me to follow you?”
I pretend to mull over my answer. “I don’t know. Are you going to kidnap me and sell me to slavery?”
“I might kidnap you, but I’d never sell you.”
The butterflies in my stomach flutter in excitement at his cool answer. Why does the thought of him kidnapping me sound so hot? What is wrong with me?
So many things.
I opt to keep my mouth shut as we continue to make our way to my gate. He rubs his jaw with his hand, and the sound of his scruff sends shivers down my spine. My thighs clench at thoughts of his chin scraping the skin of my inner thighs.
My grip tightens on the handle of my suitcase, so I don’t fan my very warm face. “Thanks for walking me to my gate.”
Mason smirks at me like he knows something I don’t. “It was my pleasure…” He pauses, waiting for me to fill in the blank.
Oh my, when will the mortification end with this man? He doesn’t even know my name, and I’ve already thought about him in quite a few compromising positions. He has my heart racing and my hands clammy, and we’ve barely spoken.
“Emery. My name is Emery. My brother calls me Em.”
In the past five minutes, I think I’ve developed a full-blown crush on this sexy, mysterious man with manners befitting of a gentleman.
“Emery,” he mulls over my name, tasting it on his tongue.
I’ve never been more turned on than I am right now, and all it took was for him to say my name.