My phone rings, andI groan at the name flashing across the banner. What the fuck does he want right now? I hit ignore, but less than a minute later, it’s ringing again.
“What do you want?” I bark.
“What’s up your fucking ass?” Cameron snaps.
Shit, I shouldn’t be so short with him, but my flight’s delayed and I’m irritated as fuck. I hate being stuck in Seattle. I was hoping to land early so I could see Rhys before I spend the rest of the weekend with Emery.
“Sorry. Shit’s just messed up, and my flight’s delayed.”
“Yeah, that sucks balls. So you won’t be home this weekend?”
“Where are you headed next?”
I don’t want to let on where I am, but if I do manage to see Jace and his family, Cam will find out anyway. “Portland.”
“No shit. Why didn’t you say? I would have met you there.”
That’s exactly why I didn’t tell him. He has too much time on his hands during the week of his off-season and with nothing to distract him, all he wants to do is hang out.
“Last-minute decision,” I mumble, hoping he doesn’t read too much into it. There is no way in hell I’m telling Cam about my real reason for dropping intoOregon—Emery.
“Why don’t I believe you? You never do anything without planning it first.” He’s clearly suspicious.
Am I that fucking predictable?Yes.
I run my hand over my jaw in frustration. Cam’s right. I have been planning this trip for the last two weeks, and it was never to see my nephew. When we spoke the other night, something didn’t sit right with me knowing I would be close by and wasn’t going to spend time with him. Before I could stop myself, I was promising I would have an early dinner with him.
The last thing I wanted to do was delay getting to Emery, but I knew if I didn’t see my family before spending the weekend with her, I wouldn’t be able to fully enjoy our time together.
“Yeah, well, believe it.”
The voice crackling through the overhead speakers finally calls my flight number, saving me from my kid brother’s probing.
“Cam, my flight is boarding. I’ll call you when I get back to town.”
“Yeah, yeah. Alright. Fly safe, brother.”
“Will do, kid.”
With another delay on the runway before take-off and the hour flight, I land in Portland to a message from Jace, letting me know that Rhys isn’t feeling well and that they were all going to stay in and rest.
Mason:That sucks. Hope he feels better. I’ll be back around. Take it easy.
Jace:Thanks, man. See you soon.
If it were any other weekend, I’d be more upset about missing time with my family, but a bigger part of me is grateful for the extra time I get with Emery. I shoot her a text.
Mason:Just landed. Lots of delays. Would you mind meeting me at the restaurant for our 9pm reservation?
Emery:Okay. See you soon.
Mason:Can’t wait.
I shove my phone in my pocket and rush off the plane to the taxi stand. When I arrive at the hotel, I check in and confirm the dinner reservation with the concierge before heading to my room for a hot shower.