Page 2 of Stolen Moments

“Mom said yes!!” he screams, grinning ear to ear.

I wince at the high-pitched squeal in my earbud, but his happy face has me matching his grin.

I knew Rylann would say yes. She is head over heels for my brother.

“That’s awesome, bud. She liked your surprise?”

“Uh-huh, Mom was so surprised.” He bounces his head up and down like a bobblehead, making me laugh.

My eyes shift away from the phone, and my heart stalls in my chest before beating double time. An inexplicable feeling washes over me as I stare at the reflection in the mirror above the bar.

The most beautiful woman I have ever seen is standing directly behind me, unaware of my presence. Every hair on the back of my neck stands on end as I take in the striking beauty. Something about her calls to me on a base level I can’t describe.

She cocks her hip—jacket folded over her arm, a rolling suitcase at her side—and shakes her head. It appears as though she’s talking on the phone, and while she seems quite agitated and angry, I can’t help but notice how painfully gorgeous she is.

She has these big brown eyes that shine like two topaz gemstones and warm, tawny, beige-colored skin that demands to be worshiped. Her taller-than-average height suits her, as do the curves she has in all the right places. Her long golden brown hair falls over her shoulders in waves, and the uncontrollable urge to wrap thesilky strands around my fist hits me … and my dick, causing it to twitch in my pants.

Fuck me, she’s stunning.

I can’t hear her, only watch as her thick red lips move seductively over the words she’s speaking. I’d give anything to see if they feel as soft as they look.

“Uncle Mills? Did you hear me?”

My eyes fall back to my phone, Rhys’s voice finally bringing me out of my lust-filled fog.

I’m still getting used to being called Uncle Mills. Rhys came up with it because he said my nickname, Mase, sounds too much like his mom’s nickname for Jace. I don’t disagree. I’ve heard her use the nickname in a way that makes even my cheeks blush.

“Sorry, Rhys. Can you repeat that? It’s loud in the airport.”

“I said we’re going to have a party at Grammy’s house for Christmas. But will you still come to my holiday performance? Even though I’ll get to spend Christmas with you anyway?”

Damn, he melts my heart. All he wants is for me to spend time with him. Lucky for him, I’ll never say no. I will always have his back.

“Of course, I will. Have your mom text me the details, okay?”

“Okay. Thank you, Uncle Mills.”

I chuckle at his relieved expression. He’s nervous about singing in front of all the parents—something we have in common.

Commanding the conference room? No problem.

Singing in front of large groups? Fucking torture.

Unlike my brothers, I prefer to slip into the background and observe.

Speaking of … I look for the woman who captured my attention, my head swiveling left to right. She’s gone. Evaporated into thin air.


“Yo, Mase!”

Jace’s and Rylann’s beaming faces appear on the screen.

“Congratulations, you two.”

“Thank you, Mills.” The endearment slips off Rylann’s tongue with sweetness and sass, making me chuckle. “For everything.”

I’m still getting used to being called Uncle Mills, but I must admit, I kind of love it. It solidifies the special bond I feel like Rhys and I are building. I couldn’t be happier that he’s joined the Miller crew. “You’re welcome.”