Page 28 of Stolen Moments

He tells me all about his nephew, who suggested this hike and breakfast spot. How he plans to spend the rest of the day with him before he has to fly out to some client meeting. I listen intently, nodding along as he leads our conversation. I find it so sweet that he spends what little free time he has with his family.

When we reach my place, he walks me to the door and tells me he’ll text later, before covering my mouth with his. We make out on my front porch for a long while before he pulls away and leaves me standing there dazed, waving at his taillights.

I’m not sure how I thought today was going to go, but I sure as hell didn’t foresee myself getting dropped off at home and being kissed to within an inch of my life by my now “casual boyfriend”.

I’m so fucked.

And for once, I think I’m okay with it.

Chapter ten

Mason & Emery

Text Chain

January 10

Mason:I made it to Chicago.

Emery:How was the flight?

Mason:Long and boring. It was lacking a gorgeous brunette.


Mason:Only for you.

Mason:I’m meeting the gang for dinner, and I have client meetings all day tomorrow. Can I call you tomorrow night?

Emery:I look forward to it. Night, Mason.

Mason:Night, baby doll.

January 11

Mason:I’m in my room. Can I still call you?

Emery:I might be waiting for you.

Emery:**Selfie with a bowl of popcorn**

Mason:You’re beautiful.


Mason:Only foryou.

January 15

Mason:What’s your favorite color?

Emery:Hello to you too, mister.

Mason:Hi, brat.

Emery:Hi, bossy. It’s burgundy, by the way.

Mason:Like that skin-tight shirt you wore on our hike?