Eli:**GIF Will Arnet Spit-take**
Jace: Down, boy. She’s in high school.
Cam: When’s her birthday?
Mase:God, you’re deplorable.
Cam:I’m kidding. No need to call in reinforcements. I took Rhys to the batting cages, and we played catch all afternoon. He’s beat and getting ready for bed.
Cam:You’re welcome, BTW. Fuckers!
Jace:Thanks, fucker.
Eli:OK, tell me about the girl. She stacked?
Mase:Don’t answer that.
Cam:Not as stacked as Ry. Tall and hot AF, though.
Cam:**GIF Leonardo DiCaprio Biting Fist**
Jace:No one is. And stop looking at my woman.
Jace:Thanks, Cam. I do have nice boobs. But I should warn you … Jace is gonna smack you when he sees you.
Cam:Worth it **Eyes Emoji**
Eli:**GIF Chuck Norris Punching**
Jace:Okay, we’re out. Don’t bug us unless it’s an emergency.
Cam:You know what that means? **Eggplant Emoji** **Water Emoji** **Cat Emoji** **Peach Emoji**
Cam:**GIF Woman Churning Butter Suggestively**
Eli:LOL. Let us know if Mason comes home with a stick up his ass or a smile on his face. Either way, at least 1 of us is getting laid tonight.
Mase:Fuck off, E.
Mase:Kid. You’re dead to me, you little shit.
Cam:**Tears Laughing Emoji**
Eli:**Tears Laughing Emoji**
Jace:**Tears Laughing Emoji**
Chapter seven
I turn into theparking lot across the street from the Science Center and find a free spot before cutting the engine. I’m nervous and excited about what I have planned tonight.
Turning to my right, I find Emery smiling, and my nerves settle. She looks excited.
An invisible string tugs at something deep in my chest, sending my pulse racing. The unfamiliar feeling is both scary and welcoming. Not wanting to dissect the emotions swirling inside me, I shove them aside and concentrate on the beautiful woman next to me.
I was done for the moment she opened the door to her house, wearing tight charcoal jeans—that look painted on—a black sleeveless turtleneck tucked into her pants like a second skin, and sexy-looking, thigh-high black boots. I almost swallowed my tongue. She looks fuck hot. The right combination of sophisticated and sexy. She has my hands itching to give her body the full attention it deserves. And those lips? They are big, red, and begging to be kissed.