Emery: Have fun with that.
Emery: **picture of Emery blowing the camera a kiss**
Mason: You’re not helping.
Emery: Tell your mom I said hi. It was lovely meeting her at the wedding.
Mason: She says hello.
Emery: Did she know who I was?
Mason: No, but she does now, and she’s very excited to meet you as my girlfriend next time.
Emery: Girlfriend?
Mason: Yeah, babe. Girlfriend.
Emery: …
Mason: Emery?
Emery: Yeah?
Mason: Don’t freak out.
Emery: I’m not. At least, not completely. How will this even work, Mason?
Mason: We can talk when I get home. I gotta go.
Emery: There’s that word again.
Mason: Good night, babe.
Emery: Good night.
Mason: Dream of me.
Emery: …
Emery: I always do.
Mason: I fucking love you.
January 5
Mason: Rise and shine, baby doll.
Emery: Why are you texting so early?
Mason: I thought you would be up. Don’t you have kickboxingthis morning?
Emery: I was going to skip. I’m exhausted. But since I’m up…
Mason: Sorry. I’ll make it up to you.
Emery: You better.
Mason: From now until forever. Your wish is my command.