“By the bathroom. I went to use the ladies’ room before dinner, and he was just standing there staring at his phone. Before I knew it was happening, his lips were on mine.”
“How was it?”
“Amazing.” I sigh.
That kiss sent sparks crackling across my skin and through every nerve of my body, waking me like a jolt of adrenaline to my system. My knees wobble beneath me just thinking about it. I give up trying to stay wrinkle-free and sit on the edge of the bed.
“And that’s a bad thing?” she prods.
See? This is where my head and my heart start to battle it out.
“Yes. No… I don’t know, Ry. I’m so confused. One minute, he’s that charming guy who opened his laptop to have a conversation with me on a plane, making me fall in love with him, and the next, he’s a hostile broody jerk who walked away and broke my heart.”
Rylann sighs. “Yeah, those Miller brothers do that to you. They put you through the wringer before they sweep you off your feet forever. Let’s play a little game. Scarlett made me do this when I was struggling with my feelings the first time. I only needed one question then, but this round might need a few. Anyway, just answer my questions without thinking.”
“I feel like I’ve heard about this game.”
“You might have; it’s a classic. It’s calledThe Phoebe. Now, close your eyes and don’t think,” she says with a wink.
I close my eyes. “Okay.”
“Take a deep breath.” I do, and she clears her throat. “Do you miss Mason?”
“Yes.” That was easy. Of course I miss him. I feel like I have a missing limb without him.
“Don’t think… Do you still love him?”
“Yes.” I don’t think I ever stopped loving him.
“Can you forgive him?”
“Yes.” I slap a hand over my mouth.
Well, that’s a new one. Doesn’t mean I’m ready to let Mason back in. He hurt me to my core. But maybe … in time?
“Can you walk away from him without regret?”
“No.” The thought of walking away from him makes me sick to my stomach, and my chest feels hollowed out.
“When you picture your future, is it Mason standing at your side or someone else?”
I open my eyes and look at the blushing bride before me. She looks gorgeous, and my stomach twists with envy. I want what she has. I have always wanted a place to call home. A person to call home.
“I don’t know,” I tell her honestly.
She sits down beside me and places her hand on mine.
“It used to be him. I wanted it to be him so badly.”
“It still can be. If you want. I know that Mason’s a little quiet and can come off a touch grumpy. I don’t think that’s the case at all. I think he’s actually… what’s the word?” She nods back and forth. “Guarded. He has a hard time letting people in. Being vulnerable is hard for him. The two of you are very similar in that respect. One of you is going to have to step up and start the process. I have a feeling he’s going to be groveling at your door pretty soon. But youhave to keep an open mind and an open heart. You both deserve to find happiness with someone who will put you first, and just maybe, you’re it for each other.”
Scarlett bursts through the door. “It’s time, Rice Cakes!”
Rylann and I stand up as Scarlett rushes into the room with Rylann’s bouquet. While I might be an honorary bridesmaid, only Scarlett will stand at her side during the ceremony. Rylann explained the significance to me over lunch, and it is a beautiful story. Not only is Scarlett her best friend, but she’s also her found sister. It doesn’t hurt that Scarlett and her husband orchestrated Jace and Rylann finding each other again seven years after being separated by circumstance.
Rylann looks over at me and smiles. “Follow your heart, Em.” Then she turns, with Scarlett on her heels, to join her father and son outside.