Page 124 of Stolen Moments

“Totally. Mom said I can have three desserts today.” He holds up his fingers, completely excited about his reward.

“That’s awesome. How did you earn that?”

“I helped clean up Sariah’s messy playroom, and I helped set up the flowers with Graham.”

Who the fuck is Graham?

Cameron taps my shoulder and points behind me. I turn, and all the air is sucked from my lungs.

Standing across the room, wearing a sexy-as-fuck charcoal wide-legged pantsuit and a skin-tight black top that shows the tops of her full breasts, is Emery. She’s stunning. Perfect.

“Who’s that guy with Emery?” Cam whispers.

I slowly tear my eyes away, and notice a man with black hair and black eyes standing at her side. He says something to her, and she chuckles.

“That’s Graham,” Rhys interjects, oblivious to the fact that my heart just fell through my ass.

I lower Rhys to the ground and he runs off, no doubt in search of hisgirlfriend.

She brought a date? To my brother’s wedding? I don’t know if I’m more angry that she’s moving on or that she had the audacity to bring a fucking date with her.

He places his hand on the small of her back, and it makes me want to walk over there and rip his fucking arm off.

Scarlett sidles up beside me. “I see you saw Graham. He’s Emery’sfriendand new to town. He was kind enough to offerup his truck, and help us bring all the flowers and decorations for tonight. He’s hot, right?”

Friend orfriend?

“Short Stack,” Levi growls at his wife.

She rolls her eyes. “Don’t worry, babe, he’s not as hot as you. You’re the hottest.”

“I know you’re bullshitting me, but I’m going to take it anyway.” Levi kisses her.

I turn away, sipping my drink. I knew I was going to have to see Emery, but a little warning about her bringing a date would have been nice.

I can’t fucking take it anymore. I’ve been watching Emery like a creep all night, internally seething every time I’ve watched that douche-canoe lay a finger on her. Every molecule in my body is screaming,Mine,while simultaneously begging me to rush over there, throw her over my shoulder, and carry her away.

I place my drink on the bar and walk out of the private dining room Jace and Rylann have reserved for tonight’s dinner, towards the bathroom. I need a breather and to get my fucking head straight. Gin, confusion, anger, hurt, and longing make for a dangerous mix.

As I approach the restrooms, I hear muffled moaning and the distinct sound of pounding coming from behind the door of the ladies’ room.

“That’s it, Sunshine, take my cock.”

I freeze at the familiar voice.

What the fuck? No, it can’t be. I edge a little closer towards the bathroom.

“That’s a good girl. You like that?” I hear the voice say, confirming my suspicions, and quite honestly, my nightmares.

My brother and my soon-to-be sister-in-law are going at it in the bathroom during the middle of their rehearsal dinner.

“Yes, yes, right there. Don’t stop, Ace.”

“I can’t wait to fuck you as my wife tomorrow,” he grunts.

Oh hell. I groan. I feel like a fucking pervert standing out here, listening to this shit. I move away from the hall but block the path. I can’t let anyone else hear this, especially not my nephew. That would scar him for life. Fuck, it’s scarring me. I’m going to need therapy after this.

My aunt, Marie—Dad’s sister—approaches the hall, and I rush over to block her path. “Hi, Aunt Marie. You’re looking spectacular tonight.” I lean in and give her a hug, just as a loud bang comes from the bathroom behind me, drawing her attention.