I’m not in the mood for his happiness. I just want to curl back up in my blankets and forget last night ever happened, maybe even the last eight months.
Is it possible to start the year over again?
“It’s never too late for Henry Cavill, Emmy. Never.”
That catches my attention and I spring up to a sitting position, knocking over my poor Henry, who growls and stalks out of my room, pissed at being woken up.
“Did you hear me? I met Henry Cavill, Em. Henry freaking Cavill.”
“Holy shit, Chris, really?”
“Yes! And he’s just as hot in real life as he is on screen. He’s also cool as fuck. He loved that we named our Yorkie after him, and he totally chuckled when I told him about Bog.”
“Wait, what?” I can feel my face burning from absolute embarrassment. “You didn’t really tell him about my vibrator, right?”
“Oh, Isooodid,” Chris chuckles. My brother has no fucking shame.
“You asshole.”
“He thought it was funny.”
“I hate you.”
“No, you don’t.”
“Biotch,” he quips back.
I sigh. We could do this all night if I don’t stop first.
I’ve missed this. Save for the one conversation I had with Chris for Lex, I’ve missed my brother and our talks these past few weeks. With his internship, the tumultuous end of my relationship, and being cut off by my parents, I haven’t felt like burdening him with all my problems.
“Ems, what’s wrong?” he asks.
Throwing myself back on my pillows, I cover my eyes with my arms and take a few deep breaths. He’s out, partying and living his life the way I’ve always wanted for him. He doesn’t need to be on the phone listening to me cry over my parents or a man who clearly doesn’t deserve my tears.
“It’s nothing. We can talk about it later.”
“Liar. Don’t think I don’t know something’s wrong with you. We haven’t spoken since you called and asked me to call Flip so he could help track Lizzie down for you. Tell me what’s going on.”
“It’s a long story.”
“Fine. Go back to sleep. We’ll talk in the morning.”
Tears tickle their way up my nose, a little sad at his easy acquiescence. “Okay. Love you, baby bro.”
“Love you more, big sis.”
Chapter thirty-six
The bed shifts underme, and I roll over searching for Henry.
Wait.Henry doesn’t move the bed when he jumps up to snuggle. In fact, he has to lick my face to make his presence known.
That means...