Page 103 of Stolen Moments

“Business partners,” Rylann coughs.

The corner of Emery’s mouth twitches. “Right. I forgot. Business partners.”

What the fuck?

How did I not put this together? Not only does Emery work with my sister-in-law, but she’s their business partner as well. When we met, I recall Emery telling me it was fairly recent and that she had been working with them for years, but they weren’t close.

So much has changed since I’ve seen her. Emery is opening herself up and making friends. She couldn’t have picked two betterwomen to have her back. While that’s good for her, for me, it’s fucked.

My stomach dips. A piece of me is proud of her for breaking out of her shell, and the other part of me hates it. It’s like she’s … moving on.

What did you expect? You blocked her number and haven’t spoken to her in almost two months.

Like a shock, I remember why we aren’t together and take a step back. If I didn’t know her, I would have missed the way her face falls at the distance I put between us.

She’s quick to recover and plasters a fake smile on her face.

“Emery! It’s shot time, girl!” Laci yells, oblivious to the tension between us.

“If you’ll please excuse me.” She turns, making her way to the bar, glancing over her shoulder at me.

Our gazes lock, bringing that explosion of fireworks with it. She shakes her head as if she’s trying to make sense of my presence, before meeting up with the twins.

Me too, baby doll. Me too.

My heart races double time, my mind and body at war with each other. Stay here or go to her? Kiss her or yell at her?

A hand lands on my arm. “Are you okay?”

I look at Rylann in confusion. “Did you know?”

She weighs her answer. “I figured it out a couple of weeks ago. I never realized Jace hadn’t come to the office in a while, or that I hadn’t mentioned his last name. You know how closed off she can be.”

I nod. I do know. It took me months to rip away at her walls before she opened up about her grandfather, and that was the tip of the iceberg.

“Are you going to be okay?” Rylann asks, her eyes worried.

“Did you do this on purpose?”

She laughs. “No, that was all Scarlett.”

Speaking of the devil, Scarlett throws her arm over Rylann’s shoulders with a wide smile. “Surprised?”

“Scarlett, behave,” Rylann scolds her.

Jace was right. Scarlett is a nosy shit-stirrer. He just doesn’t mind because it worked out for him.

I return my attention to Emery standing at the bar, her long hair waving behind her as she chats with Lexi. “I’m fine.”

“‘Fine’. We’ll see about that,” Scarlett huffs, mumbling under her breath as she walks away.


I rip my eyes away from Emery to my soon-to-be sister-in-law, who is watching me. “Sometimes, everyone needs a little push. Look at me and Jace.” With those parting words, she heads toward the bar, towards my girl.

Not your girl, asshole.

Growling at myself, I return to my seat and take another shot off the tray, shooting it down.