Page 7 of Stolen Moments

“Mason,” I repeat. I like his name. It suits him. He looks like a Mason. Someone strong, a hard worker. Dependable. “It was nice meeting you.”

He nods in agreement, fighting a smile as the last call for first-class passengers to board is announced overhead.

I clutch the ticket in my hand tighter and walk towards my plane, leaving Mason standing at the gate, with his sparkling hazel eyes boring holes in my back. The flight attendant scans my ticket before I walk down the hall and onto the plane. Without looking back, I find my window seat and take a few deep breaths.

I feel as though I’ve gone round for round on the punching bag, with the way my pulse is racing and the flood of adrenaline in my system has me feeling exhilarated. I take a few deep breaths, trying to calm the rush.

That man is dangerous. He might not kidnap me, but he could run off with something that doesn’t belong to him.

A shadow falls over my tray table, and the spicy scent of ginger hits me. My eyes drag up the familiar body, and my heart takes off at a gallop.

Standing above me is Mason, not looking the least bit surprised to see me. He takes a seat in the empty chair across from me, his eyes locked on mine.

“Fancy seeing you here,” he says smoothly.

“You knew we were on the same flight, didn’t you?”

“Maybe.” He shrugs.

I hum my answer, ogling the sexy way he scrapes his big hand over his jaw.

An older woman approaches, breaking our stare-off. She attempts to put her bag in the overhead bin, but Mason stands, beating her to it, and takes the bag from her hand. He lifts it easily, placing it carefully overhead for her.

“Why thank you. It’s rare to come across a gentleman these days,” she tells him.

“My mom taught me well.” Mason inclines his head at her compliment, smiling politely at her. It’s not even a full smile, but it’s just as potent.

Her cheeks flush, and she clears her throat. “Well, please thank her for me, then.”

Mason chuckles, amused at his effect on this poor woman, who smiles back at him and takes her seat beside me. She’s as flustered as I am, and I can’t stop from smiling to myself.

Another one bites the dust.

Maybe she’ll be a decent seatmate, after all. I’ve had some real treats over the years, and by treats, I mean gross, skeevy men who don’t know how to take no for an answer. I inwardly cringe in disgust, thinking about the last freak I had to sit next to.

“She’ll appreciate that. I’m Mason.” There he goes, introducing himself again.

Does he do this with everyone?

He extends his hand out for her to shake, which she happily accepts by placing her weathered one in his, introducing herself. “Sharon.”

“Pleasure to meet you, Sharon. You know, I hate to bother you, but would it be too much trouble for us to switch seats? My girlfriend, Emery, here…”

Girlfriend? What is he doing?

Mason points to me and smiles brightly at the woman. Whatever he is doing, it’s working. She’s putty in his hands.

“Hi,” I squeak, helping the poor woman out.

Yeah, he makes me feel stupid too.

She looks over, taking me in, and her lips lift into a sweet smile. She nods hello before returning her attention to Mason.

“…well, we’ve been separated, and I can’t bear to be away from her for too long.”

Sharon practically swoons as she places her hands over her heart. “Oh, you sweet young man. Of course. I’d hate for you two lovebirds to sit apart.”

“Thank you, Sharon.” Mason lifts her hand and presses a kiss to the back of it.