Page 26 of Stolen Moments

Deep breath.

I turn and pick up Henry, putting him in his bed by the couch. I head for the door and lock up the house before letting Masonlead me from the porch to his car. The palm of his hand lands on the small of my back, burning my skin through the thick layers of my clothing. My face is flushed, and my body is in a heightened state of awareness at Mason’s proximity. It takes me a minute to stop thinking about that kiss as the sexy man who broke my brain drives us to our destination.

“You said you work in marketing. What’s that like?” he breaks the silence.

“It depends. The place I work does a little of everything: graphic design, updating websites, helping businesses get on social media, stuff like that. The ladies I work with are awesome. They hired me right out of college, and I had no experience. But they took a chance on me and have recently extended a partnership to me.”

“That’s amazing. It sounds like you love your job.”

“I do …”

“But?” he asks with a pause, waiting for me to answer.

How does he know there’s a ‘but’?

I have never told anyone this, but Mason makes me feel safe and I know he would never judge me. “Well, I’d really like to expand our business into events, but I’ve been too chicken to suggest it.”

“If it’s something you really want, you should. It probably seems scary but if you don’t take a chance, it’s a missed opportunity.

He’s not wrong. My stomach churns at the prospect of my partners saying no. “I’ll think about it. Tell me about your work. You said technology, right? Does that mean computer stuff?”

He chuckles, glancing my way, and my stomach churns for another reason this time.

“I work in tech security, so yes, in this instance, it’s all about computers. My best friends and I are software developers and coders, specializing in bank security.”

Mason continues talking and I listen, lost in the deep timber of his voice as he tries to explain what he does. It’s too technical for me, but it’s hot as heck listening to how passionate he is about his work. He’s extremely dedicated to his business.

It also seems like he travels a ton for his job. I know that would be a red flag for most women, but I don’t mind. Mason is out there making a difference, and he’s proud of what he does, which makes me proud too. To know someone cares about others so much that he dedicated his life to this calling, it’s commendable.

Our conversation flows throughout the rest of the drive and our breakfast.

As I look around from the top of the trailhead Mason and I just hiked, I’m a little somber. The heavy dark clouds getting ready to roll in from the distance are darkening my mood.

Or maybe it’s the fact that you’ve been missing out on so much.

Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath. Peeking through the trap of lush green oak and maple trees is the stunning vision of St. John’s Bridge and its gothic steel. Like the bridge, I’m trapped too.

I have been missing out on … my life. I live in this charming small town, and I’ve yet to explore all it has to offer. It took the man standing next to me, who doesn’t even live here, to get me to eat brunch at the little spot my colleagues rave about. My life is … sad. Lonely. Boring.

“Penny for your thoughts?” Mason’s deep tenor cuts my introspection.

“You couldn’t afford them,” I respond, focusing on the view instead of the way the gorgeously sweet man beside me brushes his arm against mine, making the hair on my arm prickle with recognition.

“Name your price, Emery.”

I turn to Mason. The look on his face hits me in the gut. His eyes take in every inch of my face with a furrowed brow, trying to read me. To figure me out.

My pulse jumps. I have to be careful around him. He sees too much, and it’s dangerous. He can easily rip away my carefully constructed walls, created to spare Chris the pain of knowing the truth. Mostly, Mason’s dangerous to my heart. He has the ability to ruin me.

And worst of all, I want him to.

“Mason…” I reach for his hand and my shoulders sag in defeat, knowing what I have to do.

“No.” He shakes his head, his eyes unwavering in whatever decision he’s already made. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me close.

I want to put up a fight, but with his arms around me, I feel safe and let him hold me up—something no one has ever done for me.

“I know what you’re thinking, and no. Believe me, I know this isn’t the right time. We both work too much. You have your brother to take care of. My business is taking off, taking up almost every minute of my life. But those other minutes, when my mind wanders, it’s you I think about. Ever since that flight, I’ve thought of you. When you walked away…” He shakes his head.