"There you are," Rielle said when we entered the kitchen. She pulled a bowl out of the refrigerator. "We weren't sure which apartment you'd gone to, so I thought I'd wait until you returned. Kendra, Spencer, and Nathan arrived a few minutes ago, and I sent them up to the rooftop to join everyone else."
"Thanks. Nathan's baseball team had a game today, so I wasn't sure if they'd make it to our moving day barbecue." Thrilled by Rielle's news, I was also relieved there were no longer hard feelings between Jace and Spencer. They'd worked that out after Jace and I had gotten back together. Spencer had been livid when he found out Jace and I had broken up and that he was none other than the childhood beast who'd bullied me. It took numerous attempts on our part to smooth Spencer's ire. But in the end, he came around and reluctantly acknowledged that Jace had become a better person.
And, now, Jace and Spencer were friends.
Rielle grabbed a serving spoon from the island and placed it on the plastic-wrapped bowl. "Theo's almost done barbecuing, so I should take his pineapple coleslaw upstairs. Everything else is already there, and we've been feasting on appetizers for the last half hour. Theo and Adam gave your kitchen a workout making stuffed mushrooms, these cute little spinach and artichokepastry bites, and a fig something or other that I haven't tried yet. You'll be shocked to see the spread they've put together."
"Nah. Nothing Theo and Adam do would surprise me. I've been around them for too long," I laughed. "They did have me going nuts, though. I could smell what they were cooking, and every time I tried to peek, Adam freaking shooed me away. So what is Theo barbecuing? Neither he nor Adam would tell me what they'd planned."
"Theo's grilling bacon-wrapped jalapeƱos, spicy shrimp skewers, and blackened catfish tacos with all the fixings. Adam made Hawaiian rice pilaf and set up the tables for us by the barbecues. Oh, yeah. They have hot dogs and macaroni and cheese for Lily and Evie."
"Holy moly, that's a lot. Okay, I have to take back some of what I said." I turned toward Jace. "I hope you're hungry."
"I'm starving and ready to go to the roof whenever you are. I've worked up a huge appetite after moving furniture and boxes for the last few hours."
"We can go. I can't wait to eat. I've had Theo's catfish tacos, and they're super tasty. Ooh, I wonder what he made for dessert. It should be just as amazing."
Rielle chuckled as she accompanied us to the door. "Apricot bread pudding with a bourbon sauce."
"Oh, jeez. I think I'm in heaven." Just the thought of all that food had me drooling. My stomach gurgled when we entered the stairwell, causing Jace and Rielle to hoot with laughter at the way the sound echoed.
Jace held the door open at the top of the stairs, then followed us onto the rooftop. He was wide-eyed when we turned the corner, and he saw the colorful assortment of appetizers, side dishes, and main entrees that Theo and Adam had laid out on the counter beside one of the three built-in barbecues. "Damn,you weren't kidding when you said they put together a huge spread. Wow, they even decorated the tables."
"There's no doubting Theo's profession," Rielle chuckled. She scanned the deck, her gaze falling on Lily, who was getting coached by Reid as she prepared to toss a bean bag while Sofie and Evie waited their turn. "I see Lily's having fun playing cornhole. I'm glad she and Evie hit it off. Sofie told me they left their little boy with Reid's mother for the day."
"They had to," Jace said. "Wyatt's a rambunctious toddler, and Reid feared he'd get into too much mischief while we were moving."
"That makes sense." Rielle glanced at the two girls. "How's Evie doing after that terrible kidnapping attempt by her grandmother."
"Sofie and Reid have Evie in counseling, and from what Sofie said, she's doing much better. Her nightmares are less frequent, and she understands that her grandmother and that man, Tyrone Cannon, can't hurt her anymore." I studied Evie, remembering that horrible day at the festival. I'd done everything I could to protect her, yet it wasn't enough. Thankfully, time was a healer, and with Sofie and Reid's love and support, Evie would get through it.
"I'm glad she's recovering. Kids can be so resilient. Whatever happened to the babysitter?"
"Allison moved to Wisconsin to be near her daughter. The threats from Sofie's mother and Tyrone Cannon had Allison too traumatized to stay in Boston, especially since she lived alone. Testifying at their trial and seeing them sentenced alleviated some of her fear, but not enough to keep her from leaving. I understand she's happy and doing well where she is."
"It's awful to have your life upended because of someone's plotting and vengeance. At least Sofie and Reid can relax now that her mother and that man are in prison."
"Yep. Sofie told me the years have been difficult for them, never knowing when or if her mother would show up again. Now they can put that constant worry in the back of their minds to rest."
Rielle sighed and eyed the counter. "I better put the coleslaw with the other food." She left us to join Adam, who was rearranging the dishes.
Jace and I waved at Spencer and Kendra. They were watching the cornhole game as they munched appetizers and lounged in chairs. Nathan was beside them, with an empty plate on his lap, scrolling through his phone.
I nudged Jace's arm. "We should check on Theo and see if he needs help."
"That might be a good idea, although he and Adam appear to have everything under control."
Jace and I meandered along the counter, browsing the array of dishes. Jace stopped, his brows wrinkling as he eyed one of the appetizers.
"Those are figs with bacon and a chili sauce," Adam said, walking up behind us. "Go ahead. Try one."
Jace pulled one off the tray and popped it into his mouth. He closed his eyes and made a humming sound.
"I don't suppose I need to ask if you liked it," Adam said, glancing proudly at Theo.
"No. You sure don't." Jace eagerly reached for another one. "Do you guys want any help?"
"We're good. Theo's taking the last of the shrimp off the grill." Adam spun around to Theo. "Should I announce it's time to eat?"