Page 78 of Embers of Torment

"She has, but the wall Della built to protect herself is beginning to crack. That's why she's doubling down on acting so angry. It's her way of pretending she doesn't miss you or care."

"Any idea on how to make it topple?"

"Not really. I've never seen Della so hurt and conflicted. Plus, she doesn't easily let go of grudges, so I think she'll have to come around on her own. Or not if that's what she decides."

"Then it's become a waiting game, although I won't stop trying. Anyway, I need to snap out of this mood. Let's check out the festival. Which way do you want to go?"

"How about we start at the opposite end of the venue and work our way back here? That's where they have the cooking demonstrations, and there's a healthy snack and a spice-blending demo I want to watch. The food trucks are down that way, too, and I'm getting hungry."

"You can't be serious. You were just at Theo's tent with all those succulent dishes, and you want to eat at a food truck?"

"I do, and don't knock it. There's some flavorsome cuisine at those trucks."

"There is, but you could have had tri-tips and Mediterranean chicken."

"And what do you think I'll be having for dinner?"

"Good point," I laughed.

Adam and I strolled down the greenway. When we reached the kid's area, which was in the center of the festivities and next to the Rings Fountain, I searched for Della and Evie. I spotted Evie sitting in a chair, getting her face painted to resemble an orange and white cat. Della stood off to the side and cheered her on. I wanted to join them, put my arms around Della, and hold her while sharing their fun. Forcing myself to look away, I focused on a group of kids creating some imagined structure from a colorful pile of jumbo building blocks.

I turned to leave, suddenly drawn toward a loud commotion several feet away. A man was yelling about some older woman in a skirt and tank top who had attempted to steal his wallet. He pointed in the direction we'd come, shouting to the onlookers to stop the thief. I tried to locate a fleeing person in the crowd, but the culprit must have taken off. The man grumbled about the woman being a "hooker" with no business showing up at a family-oriented event.

Putting the incident behind us, we crossed the street and stopped at a Mexican-themed tent. Adam ordered a churro and munched on it while we continued our walk. The healthy snacks demo was over when we reached the chef demonstration area. Disappointed, Adam dragged me to the food trucks, where we lunched on carne asada tacos and corned beef mac-n-cheese.

Now thoroughly stuffed, Adam insisted we watch the cooking competition. Two local chefs were competing against each other to make a dish using a secret ingredient. Adam was engrossed inthe show, his excitement rising when the item was about to be revealed.

Then his cell phone rang.

Grumbling, Adam pulled it from his pocket and checked the screen. "That's odd. It's Sofie." He made a face as we backed away from the ring of onlookers, and he hit the button to take the call. He put it on speaker. "Hello?"

"Adam, where's Della? She doesn't answer her phone." Sofie's voice was unusually high-pitched, and her words came across in a rush.

"She's at the fun zone with Evie. When I last saw them, they were getting Evie's face painted."

"Oh, thank God! That means they're safe. I need you to warn her."

"About what?" Adam glanced at me while he uncomfortably shifted his stance.

"Braxton found Allison. She's been hiding at a relative's house, and that person contacted the police. My mother and the man Jace ran after in the plaza were threatening her, intending to use her to go after my family. They planned to take Evie as payback for my role in Denny's death. They almost succeeded the night Della babysat. Allison was supposed to let them in the house but got scared and told us she couldn't babysit. My mother and that man must have shown up, saw it was Della instead of Allison, and took off."

"No way. Della wasn't imagining it. Someone was watching her that night."

"Yes, and Braxton thinks they've been staking out our home, office building, and the plaza next to it. If so, Della and Evie could be in danger. I need you to find them. Braxton has alerted his supervisor and dispatch, and we're on our way to the festival right now."

Trying not to freak out, I grabbed Adam's arm. "Come on. We have to go. I'll be damned if I'll let anyone hurt Della or Evie."

"Adam, who is that?" Sofie yelled.

"It's Jace. He's here with me. We're on our way to the kid's area. I'll contact you when we find them."

"Okay, but be careful and keep your eye out."

Adam hung up and shoved his phone into his pocket. He stared at me wide-eyed. I spun around and sprinted up the greenway without confirming he was following. Reaching the fun zone, I scanned the crowd.

Della wasn't there.

"Try the fountain," Adam called out from behind me.