Page 50 of Embers of Torment

"Only by contacting other people and doing a lot of research. We never had the same teacher, so he wasn't in my class pictures. And it would be weird to reach out to old friends to ask about him. It's not worth it."

"I suppose not."

"It's strange," I mused. "One of the many reasons I like Jace so much is that he's so unlike that kid. Jace is kind and considerate,doting even. He's respectful, and based on what Adam has told me, he's like the defender of the underdog—a protector in disguise. And I have to say. I've grown pretty comfortable around him. Ooh, and he comes with a bonus. Jace is a cuddler."

"No way. Seriously?"

"Yep, and it's so cute. Jace has no problem holding me for hours, whispering in my ear, stoking my hair, and rubbing my back. It's like being in dating heaven. Since we became a couple, he's walked me to and from work every day, except for the nights he had to stay late. He's cooked me dinner, taken me out, and we exercise in the gym together on Saturday mornings. I've never had a guy so devoted, caring, and attentive before, and it's made me see how utterly horrible all my other relationships were. Jace makes me feel like I'm important."

"Well, it's obvious you found yourself a winner. I'm thrilled for you."

I was happy for me too. I only hoped the relationship gods continued to look down on us favorably.

Hearing a knock on my door, I rushed to answer it and stopped. I didn't want to appear too eager. Jace was taking me to a fine dining steakhouse several blocks from us on the waterfront. After spending a moment to catch my breath and smooth my hair, I reached for the doorknob.

Jace stood in the hallway, dressed in navy slacks and a dark blue button-down shirt. His expression was full of warmth and appreciation, his gaze raking me from head to toe.

"Do I look okay?" I twirled in a circle.

"Hortensia, you are truly a treasure. You're stunning, and I'm one lucky man."

I brushed my hand down the front of my form-fitting, wine-colored cocktail dress and stepped aside to let him in. Jace gave me a hug and tantalizing kiss, which was a teasing prelude to what I could expect later in the evening when we were between the sheets.

"Give me a minute. I need to grab my purse and a shawl." I ran into my bedroom and retrieved the items, slipping the champagne-hued fabric over my shoulders.

Jace gave me an endearing smile when I rejoined him at the door. "Ready?"

"Yep." Excitement rippled through me when Jace took my hand and escorted me to the elevator and out the front entrance. I was giddy and breathless like a schoolgirl as we strolled hand in hand along Seaport Common and the Harborwalk.

When we reached the restaurant, Jace opened the door for me and approached the host. After he advised her that we had a reservation, we were led to a table by the window with a gorgeous view of the harbor.

I browsed the menu the host had given me while a gentleman filled our water glasses. I peered at Jace. "Are we getting an appetizer?"

"We can get whatever you want," Jace smiled. "It's your choice."

"Hmm. I'm not sure if I want the shrimp cocktail or the oysters on the half shell."

"How about the oysters? I might need them since you have a habit of sending my body into overdrive." Jace winked, the corner of his mouth turning upward into a wicked smile.

I helplessly giggled. "Then that's what we'll have. The salty little critters sound like a fun option."

"I thought so."

When our server came, she introduced herself as Betina, went over their signature dishes, and asked if we had questions.Having none, we ordered the oysters on the half shell and two glasses of pinot gris since I planned to order the sautéed scallops.

Once Betina left, Jace reached across the table and held my hand. "Della, you are so beautiful. It's not just on the outside but in your personality and character. I wish I'd known you sooner, but the timing wouldn't have been right. There's something about you, though. It's like you cast a net and drew me in. And there's a connection between us that I can't explain." He chuckled and shrugged a shoulder. "If I believed in fate, otherworldly dimensions, and all those other things, I'd swear we've met before. But that's crazy because I'd certainly remember you."

I opened my mouth to reply, then stopped when I saw Betina approaching with our glasses of wine.

She placed them on the table and glanced between the two of us. "Are you here this evening for a particular occasion? Perhaps a birthday or special event?"

"How about a two-week anniversary with the most extraordinary woman I've ever met?" Jace said, his gaze never leaving my face.

"Oh, honey," Betina said, peering at me dreamily. "I think you've found a keeper."

"You're the second person to tell me that today." My cheeks warmed when Jace arched a brow in response to my comment. Trying to ignore it, I gave Betina my dinner order with Jace requesting the Chilean sea bass.

"And who is this other advocate that I was unaware of?" Jace asked after Betina walked away.