Page 48 of Embers of Torment

"No. You mean everything to me." I smiled and brushed several strands of hair from her cheek. "Let's finish dinner, and we can watch a movie afterward. I'll even go for a tear-jerker."


"Absolutely. We'll cuddle on the couch, and you can pick anything you want to watch."

Della's gaze fell to her lap. "I…umm. I kind of like this."

"What? That I'm agreeing to sit through a sappy movie?"

"No. Having someone care about me and want to protect me. Other than my parents and siblings, no one has ever done that. When I was a kid, I was constantly made fun of and bullied in school. I can't even express how horrible it was and how much it scarred me."

"I know, first-hand, what that's like. But that's a discussion we need to have at another time. Come on. We'll finish eating, and you can pick the movie while I clean up. Deal?"


Della polished off her sandwich and moved to the couch. She turned on the television while I cleaned up the kitchen. I joined her soon after, discovering she'd chosenMe Before Youon oneof her pay channels. I slid my arm around Della's shoulders, holding her tight as she snuggled against my chest. We watched the film in silence until her head slowly drooped.

"Hey, why don't you lie down?" I snagged one of the couch pillows and placed it in my lap. "I'll rub your back."

"You sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure. I patted the pillow. Put your head down and stretch out."

"I don't know." Della peeked at me, appearing slightly embarrassed. "I had such a crappy afternoon. It made me tired. I'm afraid I'll fall asleep if I get too comfortable."

I smiled. "You already were, and I don't mind at all. Let me take care of you."

Appearing hesitant and relieved, Della lowered her head and stretched her legs. I leaned down and kissed her, my thumb caressing her cheek. Della rolled onto her stomach, and my hands went to her back, my fingers gently kneading. It wasn't long before her body relaxed, and her breaths slowed.

I brushed several strands of hair from her face while I watched her sleep. I would never hurt her or allow anyone else to do so, and I was heartbroken learning she'd been the target of a bully. I cared for Della, and she brought out my protective instincts. I wished I could have been her defender when she was a girl, shielding her from the horrific actions and hate-filled words that some cruel kid had inflicted upon her.

But the boy I was back then was far different from the man I became. I didn't understand the repercussions of being mean or how to treat people with respect and dignity. I hurt people with my words and actions, one person more than the others, and had become consumed with an unquenchable need to right the wrongs I had committed.

I peered down at Della and kissed her ear.

She was the best thing that ever happened to me, and I'd do anything to protect her.

Chapter 15


Itook my time, people-watching as I strolled down Commonwealth Avenue in the Back Bay area of the city. I was meeting Kendra for lunch at a newly opened southern-style eatery. Born and raised in New Orleans, she'd been ecstatic when she stumbled across the place, swearing it felt like a slice of home. I didn't mind coming this way since it was an easy enough trek on the T with a transfer from the silver line to the green several blocks from here on Boylston.

Besides, it was my turn to come to Kendra. She had driven to my neighborhood last time.

Reaching the restaurant, I tromped down the concrete steps to the entrance, passing through the outdoor dining area. I'd barely entered when I saw Kendra standing to the side, waiting for me.

Her face broke into a motherly smile. "Hey there. I asked to sit on the patio since it was so pleasant out. I hope you don't mind."

"It works for me. There's a comfortable breeze off the bay."

"Excuse me," the host said from his podium. "I can seat you now. Please follow me."

"Perfect timing." Kendra hooked her arm in mine as we followed the man outside.

We settled at a table underneath a bright orange umbrella. Once our server came, Kendra ordered the cajun grilled swordfish and a glass of chardonnay. I asked for the fried chicken sliders and an iced tea.

"Tell me what's been going on with you lately. Are there any new developments with that hot-looking friend of Adam's?" Kendra said after the gentleman walked away.