The next half-hour grew progressively frustrating. I could feel Della watching me, but every time I turned, she looked away. Unable to take it any longer and wanting to be playful, I nudged her with my elbow. "Wanna cuddle? I make a great teddy bear." I kept my voice low to avoid disturbing Adam, but it didn't matter. Like Sofie teased the other day, Adam had gotten so engrossed in the film he was oblivious to anything happening around him.
Della peeked at Adam, then rolled her eyes at me. "No, I do not want to cuddle. Keep your paws to yourself."
I chuckled at her feigned disinterest, her rapid breaths giving her away. She rewarded me with a smack on the arm. Amused, I left her alone and resumed watching the movie.
Della shifted and leaned toward me. "I'll be back. I need to use your restroom." She got up and left the room.
Fifteen minutes passed, and Della had yet to return. I turned to Adam to see if he had noticed, but his attention remained on the television. Concerned, I went to the bathroom and knocked on the door.
"Della, is everything okay?" I leaned against the wall, hoping nothing was wrong.
The door opened partway, and Della stood there, pink-faced. "No, everything is not okay. I can't get my zipper down. It's stuck."
"Let me see." I nudged the door open and stepped inside the bathroom. I reached for the top of her onesie, only to be greeted by her wary expression. "I'm going to see if I can unstick it. I'm betting a piece of fabric got caught in the teeth. Is that all right?" As much as I was dying to touch her—and not in a friendly way—I wasn't about to force the issue.
Della nodded.
I bent forward to get a closer view and felt Della's body tense. I looked up, my eyes locking with hers, our chests inches apart. It seemed as if the minutes ticked by, neither of us moving.
Then Della's gaze slid downward to my lips. "Jace?"
"I want you to kiss me."
Surprised and instantly thrilled, I was more than willing to grant her request. I tipped my head, my lips softly brushing hers.
Della's arms encircled my neck, and she enthusiastically returned the kiss. Then she jumped back and groaned. "I'm sorry. Oh God, I can't do this."
"Why? It's clear we like each other. So what's holding you back?"
"Adam," Della whispered. "He'd be devastated if we got together and it didn't work out. What if you and I ended up hating each other? It could destroy our friendship with Adam. I don't want to hurt him. Jeez, he's my best friend."
"Adam's a grown man and can handle conflict better than you think. Besides, why are you worried about something that hasn't happened?" I sighed, frustrated that Adam was the barrier to our potential relationship. "Della. What doyouwant? That's the important part." Damn, I hated her preconceived roadblock. The sexual tension between us was palpable, and the look in Della's eyes was revealing. She was aroused and didn't want to stop. And neither did I.Why can't she see beyond Adam's feelings?
Della nodded, a war of emotions crossing her face. "I'll think about it."
"That's all I can ask. Well, I should fix your zipper." My hands went to the top of her onesie. After tugging on the fabric and a few wiggles of the zipper, I got it unstuck. "There. It's fixed. I'll leave you alone to do your thing." I stopped in the doorway. "Della?"
"Thanks for the kiss. I liked it." I smiled at the flush in her cheeks. After quietly closing the door, I rejoined Adam, who hadn't moved an inch.
Della retook her seat, although she was closer to me than before. When she failed to move away, I draped my arm across the back of the couch. The corner of Della's mouth lifted in a partial smile.
Della must have thought about what I said because her hand inched toward my thigh while she pretended to be involved in the movie. Then her pinky rose and fell, ever so slowly, as she brushed my leg.
After checking to make sure Adam remained focused on the television, I used my finger to draw small circles on Della's back. Then I pushed her hood away from her ear and kissed her earlobe and neck.
Della closed her eyes but didn't move.
Then I whispered, "I want to kiss you again."
Della's hand went to my thigh—and squeezed.
I groaned. "Hortensia, you're going to be the death of me." I nibbled below her ear.
Della shot from the couch and ran to the kitchen. Her voice was overly loud as she asked, "Does anyone need another beer?"