Page 37 of Embers of Torment

Jace's hand went to my back as we exited the car. An instant sizzle shot up my spine, my body craving for his touch to progress to something less proper. We reached my door, and I dug in my purse for my key. Finding it, I looked up to tell him goodnight, my gaze instantly zeroing in on his lips.

Those pliant, sensually shaped, delicious—

"You're staring," Jace said, his voice soft like a musical note carried away on a summer breeze.

"Huh?" My eyes traveled up his face, and I held my breath. He was gazing at my mouth, and there was a hint of something in his eyes.

Lust? Maybe? Holy moly, this isn't good.

"Well, hey. I should go." Jace took a step back and shoved his hands in his pockets. "Thanks for going with me. Have a good night." He spun around and briskly took off down the hall.

I watched him go, my mind screaming.Tell him to come back. Do it, do it, do it. Come on, Della. Tell him!

But I couldn't.

Chapter 12


It was movie night at my place, and I'd been looking forward to it all day. The thought of having Della here energized me, and I was eager to see where it would lead. It about killed me to walk her to her apartment last weekend without being able to kiss her good night. I had to shove my hands in my pockets to keep them off her, and the way she stared at my lips, I knew I had to leave.

Della's behavior was baffling. I sensed she wanted me as much as I did her, but she was holding back.

Groaning, I leaned against the dishwasher and ran my hand through my hair. What if Della kept her distance because she didn't want to ruin our friendship? Or worse, could she be afraid Adam would disapprove? The latter seemed less likely since I had the distinct impression Adam would be thrilled if she and I became a couple. Whatever her reason, I needed to find out what it was.

I pushed away from the counter as a loud knock sounded on my door. Taking a few steps into the entryway, I reached forthe doorknob as a second knock rapped on the wooden portal. I burst out laughing when I saw what was on the other side.

"Excuse me? What is so funny?" Della's hand went to her hip as she scrunched an eye at me from underneath her unicorn hood.

"I can't believe you wore that over here. There had to be gawkers along the way."

"There were, and I smiled politely to every one of them. So are you going to let me in or what?"

"My apologies. Please come in." I bowed elaborately with a sweeping hand toward my living room, the comfortably sized space past the open-concept kitchen and dining area. I closed the door and followed Della.

"Whoa, your unit is a lot bigger than mine. Oooh, you have a bedroom door. I have two partial walls separating my bedroom from the rest of my apartment. I don't mind, though, since I live alone."

"I saw that floor plan but ultimately decided on this place because of the view. You should see it." I moved to the window, motioning Della to join me. Her body stiffened when I placed my hand on her lower back. Grimacing at her reaction, I retracted my arm.Is she uncomfortable in my apartment? Does it make any contact between us too close for comfort? Damn, I hope not.

Della relaxed, her nose several inches from the glass. "Wow. I have a stunning view, but it's nothing like this. Although you're at an angle, you have a panorama of the harbor and everything beyond. It's like you're looking out from the rooftop deck, except you're inside."

"That was the chief benefit of being this high up. Of course, you pay for it. This unit was more expensive than some of the others."

"Yeah, that's why I didn't go for it."

The doorbell rang. It had to be Adam. Breaking away, I went to let him in. He stood in the corridor, his arms full of Chinese takeout.

"Where should I take it?" Adam said, entering my apartment.

"You can put it in the kitchen, next to the stack of plates and utensils I laid out."

Della leaned her elbows on the island countertop. "What do you have to drink?"

"I have Sam Adams, Pure Leaf peach iced tea, water, or I can uncork a bottle of white zinfandel. Your choice." I held the refrigerator door open. "What do you want?"

"Hmm. I'll take a Sam Adams."

"Coming up." I grabbed two beers from the top shelf. "Adam, what can I get you?"