"You got it. I think I'll join you and get the rolled tacos." Jace stepped forward, now two away from the head of the line. "Della, did you want a beverage?"
"Uh-huh. A medium."
Adam scanned the restaurant. "There's an available table against the far wall if you want to eat in here instead of outside."
"Sounds like a winner to me. It's warm out." Jace nudged my side. "You've gotten quiet. Are you okay with eating in here?"
Adam grabbed my arm. "We better snag those seats before someone else does." He pulled me with him, maneuvering around the tables until we reached the back wall.
I slid one of the chairs back and sat, my eyes on Jace while he retrieved his wallet and paid for our lunch.Why did he kiss me like that? That was just plain weird.Confused, I studied him as he strode across the tile, holding a stack of cups and a numbered stand.
Jace set the stand down and handed a cup to Adam. He turned to me. "I'm going to get a drink from the dispenser. Do you want me to get yours?"
"Sure. Raspberry tea if they have it. Regular is fine if they don't."
Jace nodded and accompanied Adam to the beverage counter. While they were gone, I mulled over what I thought about Jace's odd show of affection, deciding I liked it but preferred he didn't do it again. I became increasingly hooked on the guy every time I saw him, which was problematic, considering I had no plans to date him.
Adam and Jace returned, immersed in a heavy discussion about software design and Jace's new gaming project. Minutes later, an employee brought us our lunch.
Hungry, I took a giant bite of my burrito and nearly choked. Gerald, a one-time date from six months ago, was heading toward us, and he didn't appear happy.
Gerald halted behind Adam and scowled. "Della. I didn't expect to see you again. Are you going to disappear on one of these guys too?"
"Excuse me?" I said, my eyes widening.
"Hey, man. What's your problem?" Jace scooted his chair back, taking offense at Gerald's comment.
Gerald held his hand out placatingly. "Dude. I've got no beef with you. I'm only letting you know that Della has a nasty habit of disappearing on her dates. She leaves them sitting there looking like a fool."
Jace slid his arm around my shoulder and sneered at Gerald. "Considering she's never done that to me, the issue must have been you." Jace dropped his arm and stood. "Got anything else you want to say?"
"No, man. I'm good. But you can't say I didn't warn you." He spun on his heels and stalked toward the door.
Adam stared across the table, his eyes round like mini golf balls. "Was that popcorn guy?"
"Yep. How'd you figure that out?" I grimaced when Gerald flung the door open, almost wiping out two ladies.
"He looks like a surfer, and that's how you described him."
"Who is popcorn guy?" Jace pulled his gaze from the door and focused his attention on Adam.
"He's one of Della's less than stellar failed dates." Adam rolled his eyes. "What were you even thinking? The moron isn't even remotely appealing."
"Hey, don't pick on me. I didn't fail. That asswipe did. Besides, he seemed like a decent person online." I turned to Jace. "I met him on a dating app about six months ago, and we went on a date to the movies. We had ordered a big tub of popcorn with extra butter, and the guy was shoveling handfuls in his mouth like a pig, with pieces falling all over his shirt, the chair, and the floor. And that wasn't the worst of it. He was chewing it so loud and disgustingly that everyone near us complained. I asked him to please be a little quieter, but he started smacking his lips and eating the popcorn even louder to piss everybody off. I got up and left the theater."
"Wow, talk about a date from hell." Jace grimaced and shook his head. Then he slipped his arm across my shoulders and smiled. "Well, Hortensia. The idiot had no clue how much of a treasure you are."
"Who's Hortensia?" Adam stared at Jace, clearly confused.
Jace grinned. "That's the name of a famous diamond mined in India that became part of the French Crown Jewels. Because of its color and uniqueness, it reminds me of Della."
"Uhh…okay. That's an odd comparison." Chuckling, Adam added, "I wouldn't have equated Della with something so rare and priceless."
I glared at him, daring him to say another word.
"I think the name is fitting. It speaks to Della's beauty and distinct personality." Jace winked at me, closed the lid of his styrofoam container, and stood. "I need to head back to my office. I'm pushing it to take more than a half-hour lunch right now since I've got a deadline looming." Jace turned to me, his expression solemn. "Della, you truly are an awesome person. That guy was nothing but an ass."