Page 42 of Embers of Torment

"Who left first, you or Adam?" Now Sofie was pushing for information.

"Well, I…umm. Adam took off before I did."Freaking monkey muffins. If Sofie continues with her questions, she'll force me to confess. I'm a shitty liar, and she knows it.

Sofie smiled, her attention flipping to something over my shoulder. "Speaking of Jace, there he is with Adam."

"What?" I spun around in my chair, spotting them walking towards us with lunch trays in their hands. I swung back to Sofie."That's weird. Jace said he didn't think he could get away this afternoon."

"Oh? So you talked to him this morning?"


"Aha! Something is going on between you two. What is it you always say to me? Spill it, that's it. Now it's your turn."

"Fine." I dropped my gaze to my lap, my fingers pulling on a loose thread. "We're kind of dating."

"Whoa. Talk about eventful." Sofie raked me with scrutinizing eyes. "You're blushing. There's more to it than that. Cough it up."

"Darn, you." Groaning, I slumped back in my chair and crossed my arms. "We slept together."

Sofie stared at me, her mouth stretching into one of the biggest grins I swear I'd ever seen. "Wow. Good for you. Jace seems like a wonderful guy."

"Hey, did you just say my name?" Jace set his tray down next to me and eyed the two of us.

I froze and stared at Sofie with one of those pleading "don't say anything" looks. Based on her amused—and slightly devious—expression, I knew my silent plea wouldn't get me anywhere. Sofie wasn't about to keep quiet.

"I did. Della just broke the news to me that you two are dating." Sofie grinned, seeing me squirm in my chair.

"What? These two. Since when?" Adam stood beside Jace, looking utterly confused. "Wait a minute. That means I didn't imagine it. Somethingwasgoing on between you guys Friday night. I knew it!"

"I didn't think you could tell," Jace laughed. "You were so engrossed in the movie."

Sofie chuckled. "I told you."

"Hey, no reason to give me a hard time because I get drawn in by the plot." Adam scowled as he sat next to Sofie. He placeda cup, sandwich, and several napkins in front of her. "I got your turkey and avocado on sourdough, so be nice to me."

"All right. I'll quit teasing." Sofie took a sip of her drink, which did nothing to hide her smile.

Ignoring her, Adam swung his attention to Jace. "I told Della you guys were perfect for each other. It's about time she listened to me. Now that the dynamics have changed, you two better not treat me like an unwanted guest when we hang out."

"Don't worry. It won't happen. Any relationship between Della and me has nothing to do with what we have with you. None of that will change." Jace sat beside me. "I got your lunch. Adam told me what you wanted." He slid his tray my way and took his sandwich and drink.

I ate while contemplating what Jace had said.Did he make his blanket statement about our romance not affecting our friendship with Adam because he knows that's one of my concerns? Was he trying to allay Adam's fears in addition to mine?I was snapped from my thoughts when Jace leaned over and kissed me. I scanned Sofie and Adam's faces, my cheeks burning like a pile of lit kindling when I saw their startled expressions.

Once their shock subsided, they jumped into a discussion about one of our newest products at work. Jace supplied updates on one of his. I continued to eat in silence, unused to receiving a blatant show of affection in front of my friends. But by the end of lunch, my demeanor had softened. I'd come to grips with Jace's devoted attention and even refrained from jumping when his hand went to my thigh and affectionately squeezed.

With the noon hour over, Sofie and Adam hurried off, both needing to return to the office for meetings. Jace and I took our time, holding hands while he walked me to the corner of my building. My pulse raced as I waited to see what he would do.

Jace's arm went around my shoulder, drawing me close. "You look gorgeous, by the way." He leaned down and kissed my neck. "And I love that fragrance. Is it new?"

"It is." I couldn't help giggling like a schoolgirl. "It's peony. I usually wear rose-scented perfume, but I had a whiff of some rank-smelling roses a while back, and it turned me off. I was searching for another fragrance, and this one stood out."

"I like it. It smells sexy." Jace nuzzled my neck again.

A shiver ran across my shoulders and down my spine. I playfully swatted his arm. "Quit, or you're going to get me all worked up, and then I won't be able to concentrate."

Laughing, Jace pulled away. "All right, I'll stop. I have to stay late tonight, but I'll phone you later to make sure you got home okay."

"Umm. I only have to go three blocks, remember?"