Page 36 of Embers of Torment

Tamra went back to the stage. "Now we're ready to paint the mountains behind the lake. Using your small brush and the black acrylic, create a horizontal line about an inch and a half below the midpoint of your painting. That will form the bottom of the mountain range. Your line doesn't need to be perfectly straight. Starting on the left side of the canvas, you'll draw another line two to three inches above that. That will be the top of the mountains. This line should gracefully rise and fall to mimic mountain peaks, dipping lower in the center so they appear further away. Once you've drawn both lines, fill the space between them with black paint."

Jace and I followed along as before. When I finished with my mountain range, I felt Jace nudge my arm with his elbow.

"Wow, you've got a masterpiece going on there. How about a toast to our creative inner selves." Jace held out his mimosa, encouraging me to bop his plastic cup.

"To our new line of work." Giggling, I touched his drink with mine. I enjoyed my afternoon with Jace far more than I thought I would. He was so easygoing and fun that it was impossible not to.

Next, Tamra had us paint white multisized dots in the uppermost section to imitate stars. Once completed, we painted multi-colored streaks above the mountains to resemble a dusky sky, with more on the bottom half to simulate shimmering water. And for the final touch, we used black to create trees on the side and bottom. When we finished, it was like we were in a forest, peeking across the expanse of a mountain lake at dusk.

I stared at mine. It was surprisingly gorgeous.

Jace whistled as he studied my canvas. "I'm impressed. That's no moonflower. You've created a beautiful piece of art."

"Thank you. Yours is just as lovely." I extended my cup, and we toasted to our success again, polishing off the last drops of our mimosas.

After drying our paintings with one of the hairdryers around the room, we bid our instructor good night and went next door for an early dinner. We sat at a table for two and ordered a chicken parmesan pizza and two iced teas. It wasn't long before an employee brought us our food and beverages.

Jace eyed our artwork, which we'd propped against the window. "I have to say. I enjoyed the sip and paint class. Now we'll have to find something else unique to do."

I swallowed the bite of pizza I'd taken and wiped a drip of sauce from my lip. "And what makes you think I'm willing to hang out with you again," I teased.

"Because you had fun, and you know it."

"True. Remember we have our movie night at your place on Friday. You can entertain me then."

"Ahh, that's an easy one. I'll be a gracious host and on my best behavior. By the way, are you going to wear that weird unicorn thing?Hocus Pocusis hardly a scary film."

I smiled smugly. "I can't tell you. It's a secret."

Jace's face lit with amusement. "Man, you're cruel, forcing me to wait a week to find out if a horned ball of fluff is joining me."

I playfully smacked his arm. "Oh, shush. You secretly love my outfit and wish you had one."

That comment had Jace burst out laughing. "Somehow, I can't picture myself wearing a unicorn onesie."

"I don't know. It might be freaking sexy on you."

"Hmm?" Jace raised an eyebrow. "You want sexy."

"Nope. No way. Not at all. I misspoke, and I take it back." I vigorously shook my head.

Jace laughed again.

After he quieted, we finished our dinner, and I paid the bill. Done for the night, we returned to the garage, and Jace drove us home.

I thanked him for our outing in our building's lobby and headed to my elevator. I was halfway there when I stopped and swiveled toward Jace.

"Are you escorting me to my apartment or what?" I said snarkily, although I couldn't hide my grin.

"Am I allowed?" An amused smile curved his lips.

"If you behave, you are."

"Then I guess I'm walking you to your door."

We rode the elevator to the sixth floor while I stared at my image in the mirror.Holy crap. What am I doing asking Jace to come with me? Tempting fate like an idiot? It's because I want him to kiss me again, that's why. But you can't do it. You can't, you can't, you can't. It's not fair to Adam. With mytrack record, there's no way a relationship between Jace and me would last. And when it bombed, like it eventually would, there'd be a whole shit show of drama to deal with. I can't do it.

I leaned against the wall as we neared my floor, mentally groaning.Ugh, why is life so freaking hard?