Auslin hadn’t expected to enter an open-air garden with a fountain in the center, surrounded by beautiful flowers of the likes he had never seen before. White pillars supported the roof, with sunlight coming through the hole in the ceiling. “Wow.” He gestured at the open skylight. “What do you do in the winter and when it rains?”
Kitsuki waved his hand, activating the magic that automatically closed the retractable roof. Auslin stared at it in wonder as Kitsuki once again gestured and the roof opened once more.
“That’s so cool!” Auslin exclaimed in awe. “I’ve never seen anything like it in my life!”
Kitsuki smiled faintly as he looked over the beautiful garden. “Fersen outdid himself with this room.”
“I’d say so.”
Auslin wanted to continue exploring the marvelous space, but Kitsuki gestured for them to continue walking into the grand sitting room. Beautiful navy blue couches with silver piping stood in front of an ornately decorated white-and-silver marble fireplace. Bookshelves in the shape of dragons lined the walls. Auslin wanted to explore the books, but he restrained himself for the time being.
Kitsuki continued leading him into the bedroom, which was even larger than when they had originally shared it together. The room had a high stacked tray ceiling with crown moldings covered in dragon etches, which reminded him of the ones on Fate’s Gate. The four jeweled dressers representing the dragons and seasons were enlarged so as not to look minuscule in the enormous room. There were also additional cabinets similarly decorated in mother-of-pearl and bejeweled representations ofdragons at play to represent morning, afternoon, night, and gloaming.
The wall leading to the veranda was floor-to-ceiling windows, which overlooked the outdoor garden with a large pond. The grandeur of it all made Auslin’s head spin.
Auslin thought their original bed had been huge, but the expanded bed could comfortably fit eight people with room to spare. A stunning silk duvet covered it, which featured a gorgeous blue-and-silver brocade. It looked like it cost more money than everything Auslin had ever owned in his life combined.
“Kitsuki, it’s beautiful,” Auslin said in awe as he continued looking around the space. “I can only imagine how incredible the bathroom is.”
“You are free to explore.” Kitsuki gestured to the door off to the side of the bed.
“Later,” Auslin said, even though he was brimming with curiosity at what lay beyond.
An awkward silence fell between them. It was a reminder that Kitsuki had become unaccustomed to making small talk that had once been so easy for him in his youth. His face was inscrutable, reminding Auslin that the Kitsuki in front of him was a changed man from the Kitaro he had left behind less than a day ago. All his experience with Kitaro didn’t give Auslin much insight into the shifter king. He tried not to fidget when Kitsuki continued to say nothing.
“Would you object if I changed after my travels?” Kitsuki asked after the silence prolonged for too long.
Although there wasn’t so much as a hair out of place on Kitsuki, Auslin understood the need to switch into more comfortable clothing after a journey. “No, that’s totally fine. Should I leave?”
“There is no need.” Kitsuki used his magic to change his black traveling clothes into a clean pair of black breeches and a metallic silver shirt with bell sleeves.
In the transformation, Auslin briefly caught sight of Kitsuki's missing arm. He started to speak before thinking better of it.
“Do you have a question?” Kitsuki asked.
Auslin hesitated. He had always felt he could speak freely to Kitaro, but there were so many walls between himself and what he could talk about with Kitsuki. “Does it bother you?” Auslin finally forced himself to ask, flushing slightly in embarrassment over voicing such a question.
It seemed to take Kitsuki a moment to figure out what Auslin was asking. “If you are referring to my missing arm, I am used to it. There is no sense in concerning myself with what cannot be undone.”
“But I could try to heal it,” Auslin offered before worrying Kitsuki might get the wrong impression. “I know I can never make up for disappearing for so many centuries, but I could at least try to restore your arm.”
“It is unnecessary,” Kitsuki stated in a flat tone that made Auslin wonder if maybe he should drop the matter.
Looking down at the ground and clenching his hands into fists, Auslin struggled with how to express himself without causing offense to Kitsuki. “I’ve always admired how you’re a better warrior with one arm than anyone else who has two arms. ButI hate Mitsuki stole that from you,” Auslin confessed, feeling a deep resentment toward Kitsuki’s deceased eldest brother. “If I could undo his cruelty, maybe…”
When Auslin trailed off into silence, Kitsuki looked at him for a long moment. He finally said in a kinder tone, “It is best not to concern yourself with such things, Auslin. I have made my peace with it.”
There was a stubborn set to Auslin’s jaw. “You’ve seen me heal damage from Divine weapons before. You know I can do it.”
“There is a vast difference between repairing what is already present and restoring what is missing.” Kitsuki shook his head. “While I appreciate the offer, it is not worth disappointing yourself.”
“I could at least try. You can even tell me ‘I told you so’ if I fail.” Auslin tried to think of another way to convince Kitsuki. “Think about how much it’ll anger Mitsuki in the Beyond Realm when he finds out I healed what he did to you.”
The corner of Kitsuki’s mouth turned upward in a slight smile. “If defeating Mitsuki in such a way would bring you some solace, I will not stand in your way.” Kitsuki used his magic to remove his shirt once more before sitting on the edge of his bed. “Please do not be disappointed with yourself when this does not work the way you wish.”
“It’ll work,” Auslin swore, refusing to give up so easily to Mitsuki’s cruelty. “I’m not letting that bastard win when you’re a better man than he ever was.”
Auslin sat down next to Kitsuki on the bed. He reached out but stopped just shy of touching him. While he had free rein to touchKitaro, it felt inappropriate to be so informal with a king. “May I?”