Kizoshi couldn’t stop herself from grinning. “Very well. We will speak more tomorrow.” She would have to resist the temptation to reveal too many details. It was the burden of having insider insights into the workings of the Living Realm.
Chapter 30
There was an overwhelming sense of dread weighing heavily on Kitsuki when he summoned his sister to his room for a meeting. It was almost always a futile effort to get direct answers out of Kizoshi, but Kitsuki at least had to try.
She entered in an aubergine dress, which glittered in the light like all the stars in the night sky. In contrast to Kitsuki’s dark mood, Kizoshi was in bright spirits. She made herself comfortable on his couch. “You wished to speak with me?”
There was no point in dancing around the topic. “Why were you not here when Nasume ambushed me?” He frowned when she didn’t immediately answer. “You have always been here to disrupt his nefarious intentions. Why did you allow him to go unchecked this time?”
Some of the lightness left her demeanor. “Understand it was because it was necessary. Otherwise, I would have gladly interfered.”
“What made it ‘necessary,’ as you say?”
She smoothed her hand over her skirt. “His appearance triggered a series of events to be put into motion.”
Kitsuki frowned at her vagueness. “Meaning?”
“Important things that had to happen for you to have the ultimate happiness.”
What she said didn’t add up for Kitsuki. “How could Nasume ever be involved in anything that brings me happiness?”
“He has a crucial role to play.” A vicious gleam came into her amethyst-colored eyes. “And once he has fulfilled that purpose, he will get everything he deserves.”
Kitsuki attempted to read between the lines. “You think he deserves death.”
She arched a challenging eyebrow at him. “Do you disagree?”
The answer left Kitsuki conflicted. On the one hand, he couldn’t wait until Nasume was no longer a problem for him. On the other, he had promised Auslin to let the wolf shifter live. “I do not.”
“It is not a bad thing, dear brother. But trust me when I say it will be an inglorious end that he more than deserves.”
Her smile was vicious. “Because he will have done everything in his power to earn that fate.”
Kitsuki couldn’t fathom what she was referring to. “How?”
“His dastardly deeds will come to light soon enough. Not even you will want to stay your hand after it does.”
The blood in Kitsuki’s veins ran cold at the implication. “Does he hurt Maseo?”
She tilted her head as she studied him with curiosity. “Why is that your first assumption?”
“Because I said something foolish to Nasume while he was here, and I cannot shake the fear I put Maseo in harm’s way because of it.” Guilt ate away at Kitsuki. How could he have done something so stupid? Maseo had done nothing to earn his father’s wrath.
Her gaze softened with sympathy. “After a lifetime of abuse, Maseo is stronger than you think. You also did everything you could to protect him from afar. It was not in vain.” Her smile turned playful. “The ring was a nice touch.”
It didn’t surprise him she knew about something he had kept secret, even from Auslin. The truth was too embarrassing to confess. Kitsuki sighed with aggravation. “I cannot bear the thought of him being hurt because I was so careless.”
“Have you figured out why Maseo being hurt pains your heart so much?”
“The guilt of knowing it would be my fault.” Kitsuki rubbed his hand over his heart, which ached at the mere thought of it.
She hummed with interest. “Is that the only reason?”
He stiffened in his seat. “What are you implying?”