“I’ll have to hug her the next time I see her,” Auslin said, grateful she had gotten revenge on Kitsuki’s behalf. “I don’t care if itmakes me a bad person because I’m happy Mitsuki finally got what was coming to him.”
“I cannot say I disagree,” Kitsuki replied with a hint of a smirk. “Life became much quieter after Mitsuki was sent to the Beyond Realm.”
“There’s been no war in my lifetime.”
Kitsuki entwined his fingers with Auslin’s. “Father and Mitsuki enjoyed being brutal warlords. I would rather have peace than send good people to their deaths and devastate their families for the sake of some senseless war.”
“You really are amazing.” Auslin gave Kitsuki a warm smile. “I told you that you would make an amazing king one day.”
“I have done my best to take care of the people in my kingdom,” Kitsuki said. “There has only been one war in my reign, if you can even call it that, since it was only a single battle.”
“When was that?” Auslin asked in surprise.
“The snake shifters in Galinor thought me weak because of the Ice King rumors that circulated,” Kitsuki explained. “They attacked me shortly after I took command. We soundly defeated them with little cost to my own soldiers. I admit I derived a particular satisfaction out of that victory. It sent a strong message to the other kingdoms, so no one has challenged me since.”
Auslin still harbored bitterness toward the snake shifters for almost killing him on their way to visit Satsuma. “I’m glad you showed them who’s boss.”
“It felt justified after what they did to you during our journey to Satsuma’s. I am glad my victory meets your approval.”
“I’m pretty sure it’s impossible for you to disappoint me,” Auslin retorted.
Kitsuki brushed Auslin’s hair away from his eyes. “I will do my best to never do so.”
Auslin nestled against Kitsuki’s side, making a contented noise as the shifter king held him. Things may be different between him and Kitsuki compared to the Kitaro of the past, but Auslin knew with utter certainty everything would be fine with a little more time.
Chapter 5
While Auslin had drifted to sleep, Kitsuki’s fear of waking up alone kept him up all night. He cradled Auslin against him, drawing strength from finally being reunited with his beloved after so many centuries.
His mind wandered freely as he savored the closeness between them. The scent of Tatsuki that clung to Auslin’s dress clothes from the Coming of Heir ceremony made Kitsuki miss his father. He felt cheated he wouldn’t get to see his reaction to Auslin’s return. In a strange way, he even regretted not being able to witness Mitsuki’s tantrum that his nemesis had reappeared. But more than that, he couldn’t wait to bring Auslin back to the castle so that Kisano, Uncle Jaega, Fersen, and Tyrian could reunite. He was sure they’d be almost as happy as him that the Vanra from the past had finally returned to his present time as Auslin.
Now that Kitsuki knew Vanra had been Auslin all along, it changed how he saw so many of their conversations. It wasstrange realizing how many times Auslin had spoken of the Kitsuki he knew in the future with a longing for a deeper connection. In a way, it was further proof Auslin had always been drawn to him. It would also explain why Kitsuki had desperately wanted to keep Auslin close despite the pain it caused him.
Now that he knew Kio had been the one who had hurt his Vanra so much in the past, it made Kitsuki want to end his younger half brother’s miserable life all the more. But Auslin would never allow it. It was issues like that where Kitsuki feared Auslin wouldn’t accept where he differed from the more forgiving Kitaro.
But Auslin had shown no hesitation in being near Kitsuki the Ice King. It reassured Kitsuki on a deeper level than words ever could. He still wanted Auslin to be his mate, but he owed it to the human to let him discover whether he still wanted the same thing since Kitsuki and Kitaro were such drastically different people.
Unlike the first time they shared the bed in the cave, Auslin awoke without a trace of fear. He snuggled into Kitsuki’s embrace with a happy murmur. It warmed Kitsuki’s heart.
“Would you like to return with me to the castle?” Kitsuki asked when he was certain Auslin had awoken enough to have a coherent conversation.
Auslin rolled over to face Kitsuki with a smile on his face. “I’d really like that.”
“I can send a messenger to inform your brother of your whereabouts,” Kitsuki offered. He wasn’t sure if Auslin had seenSephen before coming down to the glen to break up his fight with Kio.
Auslin’s happiness warmed Kitsuki’s soul. “I’d appreciate that, thank you.” He sat up with a yawn hidden behind his hand. “I can’t wait to see everyone at the castle, though. Hopefully, they can also forgive me for disappearing without warning.”
“No one held it against you. They will simply be happy you have returned.”
Auslin hesitated a moment before leaning over to kiss Kitsuki good morning. It was everything Kitsuki had been waiting centuries for and never wanted to give up again.
Chapter 6
Kisano was so engrossed in his book by Veritine, everything faded away as he got lost in her fantasy world. It wasn’t until he heard Kitsuki call out his name that he looked up from his reading. “I am over here,” he called out, setting his book on the side table. “How was your journey?”