I don’t need my enhanced vision to know that she’s grinning wildly. She knew I would have checked the practical places first. Suspected I would have run my hands all along her body before settling here, but she underestimated my need to have my mouth against hers.
And now that I’ve found it, there’s no reason to prolong this.
I finish what Abby started and unclasp my pants with one hand and pull up her skirt with the other. And then I’m inside her. There’s no need to wind her up because we’re both already there.
The music should be loud enough to mask our moans, but I lay a hand over her mouth just in case. Abby, apparently, takes that as permission to be loud. Of course, the one time I’m trying to keep her quiet is the time she willingly lets my name erupt from her lips over and over.
I can feel her pleasure building. Racing with mine to see which peak is reached first.
She’s tight around my cock, and each rock of her hips sends shockwaves through me. I slip my free hand around her waist and lift her higher so that I can drive myself deeper and the spike in her pleasure mirrors my own.
Gods, I don’t even know how sex felt good before we could mingle our emotions, our sensations, every bit of ourselves with each other.
Even the sting of her nails driving into the skin of my back is enough to drive me wild, but when I feel the pressure of my own fingers pressing against hers through our bond, it’s exhilarating. It’s mind-bending, do-anything-to-never-give-this-up kind of wild.
She says something else, but I can’t hear it over the pulsing of blood in my ears. I remove my hand from her mouth in case I was hurting her, but I would have felt it if I were.‘Say that again.’I have to force the thought through the bond because there’s no way I can trust my mouth right now.
“I’ll marry you.”
“What?” The word comes sputtering through my lips just as my release slams into me like a bolt of lightning. There’s no way I heard her right. Not between the ragged breaths and thundering of my heart.
Her release comes mere seconds after mine and I feel every bit of it as push deeper inside her, needing her to feel all of me in this moment. “I’ll marry you,” she says again with the expelling of breath.
She said she’d marry me, and then the sun set.
There was only time for one more dance before I had to return to this form. We should be celebrating this night together. Not just for Teagan and Petra, but for ourselves and the future we’re going to build together.
I’m in absolute awe of this woman and can’t believe that one day soon, she’ll grant me the honour of becoming her husband. Her partner in everything the fates have in store for us. If I wasn’t in this body of fur and claw, I’d shout it to the distant mountains. But instead, I’m left here on the sidelines while she shares a dance with Rhett.
She didn’t want to leave me, but I want her to enjoy every moment of this night, even if it means that a minuscule part of itis spent away from me. She should get to dance and laugh with our friends—our family. Because that’s what we’ve found here.
There’s nothing I want more right now than to hold her against me, but, in the distance, the wraiths are screaming.
I hear them, even if no one else does. Ialwayshear them.
“Well, you look like you’re enjoying the party.” A sarcastic remark like that could only have come from a dragon, but it’s the dragon that surprises me. I turn my head to find Petra, arms crossed and striding in my direction. “Shouldn’t you be with your mate?” I don’t like her tone or the question.
I can’t answer her, so I spin in a circle as if to say, ‘I’m a fucking wolf, in case you didn’t notice.’
“Yeah, yeah,” she says, clearly getting the point. “And Teagan has a tail. You’re not special.”
Ouch. If I could speak, I’d ask her why she isn’t withhermate instead of bothering me.
She sighs. “Look, Teagan wants to talk to you. I don’t care for her reasoning, so I’m taking it out on you. Sorry.”
That’s the second time she’s apologized to me. Maybe we are getting somewhere. I move towards her so she knows I’ll follow, but can’t imagine what either of them would have to talk to me about. I’ve been watching Abby since Kaylee and Rhett swept her back onto the dance floor, so she hasn’t had time to tell Teagan our news. If I’m not about to get the ‘you better look after my best friend and not tear out her throat like you tore out mine’ speech, then what is this?
Petra leads me to the water’s edge where a Teagan waits. Her face is serious, despite the small smile that complements the light that never seems to leave her eyes.
Except for when she was catatonic, of course.
Petra makes a should have exasperation, so Teagan must have said something through their bond that she didn’t like.“Teagan wants me to repeat everything she says. Word for word.”
I nod once and turn my gaze to Teagan. Even if Petra is conveying her words, it’s Teagan I’m speaking with. I don’t think communication between two people has ever been so inconvenient.
“I know this isn’t usually how things are done, but I’m asking you for a wedding gift.”
A wedding gift? What could she possibly want from me?