Page 69 of Bound By Roses

Teagan shakes her head vehemently before signing what I understand to be ‘he loves you’ and ‘he’s afraid to leave you.’ Her silent words are reassuring in a way that only talking to my closest friend can be. Sometimes I may wonder if I can trust my heart, but I always know that I can trust her.

“You know, this isn’t just a ring,” I say, looking down at it fondly. I never thought I would wear a ring that carried so much meaning. I pull the mechanism that opens the wolf’s mouth to reveal the sharp point before showing it off to Teagan. “It’s a weapon,” I add, to emphasize a punching motion.

Teagan throws her head back in a silent laugh and claps her hands. I knew she’d love that. Then she flips over onto her back and brings her tail out of the water. There’s a silver band around the thinnest part that wasn’t there before.

“Is that what I think it is?” Sirens don’t wear rings because of their webbed fingers when they’re in the water, but there’s nothing stopping them from wearing something on their tails.

She nods, excitedly, and holds of three fingers before making the sign for ‘moon.’

“Three moons? From today?”

Another excited nod.

“That’s so soon, but I’m really happy for you.”

I don’t voice my concerns—like the fact that we’re on the brink of an all out war—but Teagan seems to see them clearly enough based on the symbols her hands form. ‘I’m done waiting.’

I can’t say I blame her for that. I don’t actually know how long she and Petra have been mates, but I do know that they’ve had circumstance keeping them apart a lot longer than the short time I’ve witnessed. And even now, Teagan’s inability to make the change between human and siren is yet another unfair obstacle put in their way. Perhaps now truly is the perfect time for them.

Teagan’s hands move again, but this time I can’t make out even half of her meaning. “Sorry, I don’t know what you’re saying.”

“She’s asking if you will stand with her,” a voice sounds from behind me. I whip my head around to see Petra, who immediately puts her hands up in front of her. It’s only when I follow her gaze that I realize I’ve drawn the very same dagger that is still somewhat stained with Quinn’s blood.

“Sorry,” I say, sheathing it just as quickly as I drew it. “I guess I’m a little on edge.”

“I’d be surprised if you weren’t,” she says, taking an easy seat beside me on the rock. “Merrick filled us in.” By the look she and Teagan share, I can tell they’re filling in any gaps the other might have.

“What did you mean by ‘stand with her?’” I ask when the silence goes on a little too long and I start feeling like the odd one out.

“It’s a tradition in Marein to choose two people to stand with those binding themselves in marriage. It’s an honour to be chosen.”

There was no such tradition in Lunae that I’m aware of, though our weddings tended to be paltry affairs. “Of course I will. Is there anything I need to do?”

Teagan shakes her head.

“Well, she may have to dance with Merrick,” Petra snorts. “If you want to reconsider, we’ll understand.”

A wave of water, suspiciously close to Teagan, sprays upwards and just manages to catch Petra. Teagan, of course, looks to be denying any wrong-doing.

“Is Merrick standing with you?” I ask Petra, just barely surpassing my laugh as she flicks water off herself.

“Yes. As Regent, it’s his responsibility to approve of any dragon unions.” A question fights to escape, but I bite my lip to stop it. Petra must catch my expression because she adds, “Just ask. I know what you’re thinking.”

There’s no anger in her eyes, so I let the words spill from my lips. “Merrick seems a bit preoccupied with increasing your numbers.”

“That’s not a question.” She almost sings the words while picking dirt out from beneath on of her nails.

No, it’s not, but she knows what I’m getting at. Even Teagan suddenly looks uncomfortable. “If you need Merrick’s permission, why did he agree to a marriage that won’t result in more dragons?”

Petra slaps me on the back. “There it is. I almost thought you were going to back out.” She’s laughing, though nothing about this is funny. “He’s not happy about it. I mean, he has no issue with us together. He would have just preferred we all pair off so we don’t, you know, go extinct. He would have never refused this, though. That said, I agreed to consider carrying achild with either Ory or Wyatt. It would have been too awkward with Merrick, and I don’t think we need anymore Jade’s running around.”

“What?!” She said that way too calmly. “He wouldn’t make you do that, would he?” How could he?

She shrugs as if this all of this is reasonable. “You’re a human. There are thousands of you, and there are only seven of us. I grew up knowing that this would likely be my fate.”

That doesn’t matter. Or, at least, it shouldn’t. Something like that is up to Petra and Teagan. Merrick has no business shoving his nose where it doesn’t belong. They shouldn’t even need his permission to marry.

“You look like you’d like nothing better than to drive that blade into him,” Petra teases. And she’s not exactly wrong. “I’d hold off on that. You kind of owe him.”