Page 114 of Bound By Roses

Tess moves to Nuri’s side before Quinn can finish whatever he was meaning to say to her, and perhaps that’s for the best. We all need to be in the right headspace for this, and now isn’t the time to air out grievances. Tess’s hug spoke volumes, and that’ll have to be enough for now.

“You ready?” Quinn asks Merrick as he passes.

“Give me a minute.” Merrick heads straight for Nuri and bends to plant a gentle kiss on her cheek. Then he drops to his knees so that he’s at level with her stomach and takes her hips in his hands. Speaking low, he says something in a language I don’t understand.

Nuri runs a hand through his hair and laughs. “We are not naming them that.”

He stands, a playful grin I’ve never seen from him before twisting his lips. “I still have months to win you over.”

“And it won’t be long enough.”

Kaylee and Rhett cross the beach to join us and Quinn tenses. For the first time, this might have absolutely nothing to do with their relationship. “I take it this means you haven’t reconsidered,” he says, his jaw tight.

“I have not,” Kaylee says with a sweet yet stubborn smile. “We’re coming with you.”

I don’t think Quinn ever doubted Rhett would come, but Kaylee? He blows out a sigh, apparently choosing not to argue with her. Instead, he turns his attention to Rhett. “It’s your job to keep her safe. If this turns into a fight, she’s not to get anywhere near it.”

“Sheis right here,” Kaylee says, jabbing a finger into her brother’s chest. “I have no intention of fighting, but I need to bethere for Arabella. If this turns into a war, weaving may be the only thing that saves us.”

He can’t argue with her there, even if he wanted to. He puts his hands up in front of him. “Forgive me for not wanting to see you on a battlefield.”

She rolls her eyes. “If I were Evan, we wouldn’t be having this conversation.”

“If you were Evan, we wouldn’t need to. He was destined for a crown, not a sword.”

“Just in case,” I say, stepping between them and unsheathing a dagger. I hold it out to Kaylee and she takes it, only studying it for a moment before tucking it into the belt at her waist. I can’t help but wonder if she knows how much these blades mean to Quinn. If she does, she doesn’t let on.

Instead, she turns away from us, calling over her shoulder to Quinn as she ushers Rhett away. “You shouldn’t talk to me about destiny.”

We travel at a slow but deliberate pace through trees that have never looked so threatening. Quinn is in his human form for now, but as soon as the sun sets, he’ll be forced to shift once more. He and Erwyn came to a tentative agreement that while Quinn is unable to speak, he’ll lead if Lunae attacks us in the night. The wolves will be with me and Merrick will be in the air, which leaves Erwyn the next best person to command the fighters on the ground if Quinn can’t.

We only get about five hours before the decision is made to set up camp for the night. I’m not sure how far we are from Lunae, but we’ll likely reach the border sometime tomorrow.

Quinn and I sit by one of the many low fires created by the dragons. They’re built into shallow divots in the earth to help keep their glow hidden in case any Guardians are patrollingtonight. Though, I doubt they’d go unnoticed if they were. If anyone got close enough to this camp to be a danger, one of the many, many pairs of eyes that see far better than a human will easily spot them at distance. Altogether, we have sixteen wolves—not including Quinn, five dragons—or we would, if Jade actually bothered to show up—and about a hundred sirens. It’s not much, but it will have to be enough.

I remind myself again that this isn’t supposed to be a battle. This is a rescue mission. The plan is to get in and get out under the cover of night and get back to Marein before Lunae can rally.

Despite that, I can’t help palming a dagger with my left hand. I was never very strong with my left hand to begin with, but now with the missing finger, my grip is significantly weaker. Each time I think I have a good hold, the blade slips.

‘That’s what the ring is for,’Quinn says through the bond as he watches me try again.

I flex my hand to get a better view of the ring.‘Would you laugh at me if I said I don’t fancy the idea of getting blood on it?’

He snorts a laugh, and I guess I have my answer.‘You might change your mind tomorrow.’

‘How are you so calm?’He was anxious when we first left Marein, but he’s seemed perfectly fine since. Answering questions and barking orders as needed while we traveled, and now blinking lazily as if he’ll have no trouble sleeping tonight.

He moves in what can only be a wolfish shrug.‘I’ve been preparing for this since I could hold a sword. It’s ironic that I’ll likely have to fight this war without one.’

Before I can answer, a flash of light bursts behind my eyes and I double over at the intensity of it. “It’s Ty,” I gasp, trying to rein in control of the image overlapping with my own vision. As it comes into focus, I see a room of sleeping Guardians and a torch lit hall.

Quinn disappears from my side, only to return a moment later with a very confused siren. When she sees me, she must understand because suddenly I’m seeing the vision in my head projected in front of me as if we were really in the palace. Others have moved behind to watch, though I don’t risk turning away to see who.

‘Can you hear me?’Ty asks as he slips out of the room and pads down the empty hall.

‘Yes! I can hear you.’Distance must really have been the issue.

I’m about to ask if he’s alright, but Quinn’s hurried words slip through my mind and into Ty’s before I can.‘This is happening now. Void’s darkness has faded, and we need to know why. We’ve camped a day’s walk from the city. I need whatever information you can give me.’